Untitled Part 12 (TW- Drowning(almost) and burning to death)

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A/n- at this point I'll have to just put on my profile that I write triggering stuff because that is pretty much me um also, this is an AU where Sophie manifested as a pyrokinetic and Technopath during KotLC. She was nearly drowned, and, as she had been training with the Neverseen, knew how to conjure Everblaze. Juline's ice was melted easily and Sophie has been with the Neverseen ever since 


I gasp for breath, dragging myself out of the ice cold lake. I let out a snarl.

"I'm coming for you, Black Swan." I glare at the bushes were they had dragged me from and into the lake. Stupid, idiotic, weak excuse for a rebellion. Thought they've killed me... what a surprise for them!

End of Flashback-

"Well? Miss me?" I ask, smirking.

"How- you were in there for hours!"

"Everblaze, you idiots! You think you were so smart! Well, here's a wake-up call. You aren't going to win. I don't particularly care about the Neverseen's cause, but I'll kill all of you! Tonight I get my revenge, you cowards! " I yell, throwing out my hands and letting the fire in my core blaze out into dark, glossy purple-black flames. I laugh.

"Frissyn won't help you, morons. This isn't Everblaze. It's the exact opposite." It's often called Neverblaze, actually, but I don't need to explain myself to the weaklings in front of me. I can't help but smile as they all go down. Ashes and light blue smoke, then nothing as the fire's called back into me.

"They're taken care of," I say to Fintan as he helps me up, "They're gone." I repeat it once more, as if to assert it into the universe. (You mean the U? Haha- wrong time for jokes? Cool.)

"I know. I didn't know you would use Neverblaze. It's really volatile, you know. And your eye color will stay that way."

"I- *huff* know- *huff* I've- *huff* done this- *huff* before." I wipe my brow.

"What do you want as payment for this?"

"I want the world to leave me the hell alone. I'm done with rebel organizations and governments. I just wish I could go home. But home's gone. Forever. Up in flames, unfortunately. I wish I could say now I feel okay, but I'm just tired." I whisper, feeling my horns and sighing. The wings, tail, and horns are permanent, along with the eye color/fangs. I sigh again and watch the purplish flames come out of my mouth in my frustration.

"You know, Everblaze does things too." He pulls back his hood, showing me his wavy horns and light orange eyes, flicking his tail.

"How do you hide it?"

"There's elixirs that can do that, if you want my help."

"I... I wouldn't mind." I whisper.

"Okay. Why don't you come with me? I have pretty large quarters, if you don't mind sharing."

"No, not really. It's okay."

"That's good. But where have you been staying? Since you, um..." He doesn't say, 'nearly drowned by the organization that created you', luckily, and lets the question hang in midair between us. I shrug.

"Eh, I just kind of used my Technopath stuff to get into hotel lists, or something like that. Got money by getting into an ATM, like Dex did when we were..."

"Wellllll let's just um go..." I nod awkwardly.


In which the fandom kills me (Finphie/Sophintan Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now