~Why did I do this?~(Fintan's POV)

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"You know, we're both going to die if you don't teleport us now." I say, quite calmly. I was not exactly planning to die clinging to the moonlark as we both fell off a cliff, but I didn't think my ability was going to be banned either so this is what I get for thinking... well, I also didn't think I'd be facing my worst phobia and that's just cruel of the world.

"Are you sure it's not just you?" She asks as she attempts to kick me off, kneeing my stomach. I take in a gasp.

"The only thing you're accomplishing is making me want to vomit on you." I mutter- like I'm not already nauseous. We are falling off a cliff, after all. And I'm totally not scared of heights. Not at all. Nope. Nada. No phobias here...

"I didn't know you were afraid of heights." She says, smirking.

"Why not? It's completely normal! We're falling to our death at probably the speed of a car on the highway- a not blocked one, that is." I retort.

"This isn't even that bad." She teases, and I sigh. Who knew she got friendlier while we were careening down the side of a cliff?

"Oh? And what's fast enough for you?" I mutter.

"This!" She yells as she pulls me against her in a swift movement that makes us speed even faster. I scream, screwing my eyes shut in my fear.

"Wow, you really are afraid of heights." She muses, as I start to shiver.

"I haven't shivered since I manifested." I complain, feeling pathetic as I tremble against her.

"You know we aren't falling anymore, right?" Her soft brown eyes meet mine as I look up. I realize her guster ability is holding us up in midair. I chance a look down, and I let out a noise I'd rather not describe. I'd also rather not describe how I buried my head in her neck.

"Wow, I know everyone has a weakness but you really take it pretty far." Her chin bobs up and down against my back as she talks. I focus on her voice as she slowly lowers us down. She smells like something a little sweet, and I realize that I'm still clinging to her like an absolute idiot.

In which the fandom kills me (Finphie/Sophintan Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora