I turned and glanced up at the large building stood opposite me. The West Sanctum stored so many objects from over the year that the morgue inside of it seemed only a small fraction of its entirety. As one of the owners of this building, I like to view over these situations myself, due to the questionable finds that we encounter.

I walked through the entrance to the building, with the automatic doors slipping open to let me inside. I nodded at the young receptionist, who I had hired a few months ago. She was a newer Vampire who had begged for work; otherwise she would have been disposed of for her defiant behaviour. I always tried my hardest to solve other people’s lives instead of them falling into the inevitable death with King Alistair believes the majority of species’ deserve.

Entering the golden covered lift, I pressed the button for the seventeenth floor, which was especially allocated for the morgue and scientific study. I moved upwards swiftly and reached the designated floor in, what felt like, mere seconds.

Pacing out of it sharply, I passed by a few of my workers before entering one of the offices. Inside was one of my top scientists, Thomas, who was sat at his desk working on some paperwork which seemed fairly important.

“Good morning, Thomas.” I spoke lowly, sitting upon one of the spare seats in his room.

“Hello, Harry.” Thomas chuckled, looking up from his work. I always admired this man for his age. He was sixty years old when he became a Vampire, and he always seemed thankful for being able to live on, even though he had expected to die within a few years. He was always jolly and kind, resembling a father figure and reminding me much of my own. “Are you here to look over the files of Jane Doe 12?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “I am sorry that I have taken so long to come in. My mind has been preoccupied.”

“Ah,” he laughed once again. “I heard that there was a wrangle going on amongst the Lords.”

“I would not call it a wrangle. It is more of a disagreement.” I frowned at the thought of fighting with Lord Zayn. He would most definitely lose.

“Well, whatever you label it, I think that it is preposterous.” He stood up and walked towards his filing cabinets, scanning through the files alphabetically before pulling one out and handing it to me. “That is her file, it was another following the pattern.” Thomas then sighed.

“Really?” My frown deepened. “We need to figure out who keeps doing this.” I mumbled.

I scanned across the papers within the file, reading over the autopsy report and observing the photos taken of the body. I remember the day we found her frail body in the road, and it still printed the grave thoughts in my mind.

She is presumed to have been between eighteen and twenty, and had long black hair. Her eyes were closed when I saw her, yet it is written here that she had brown eyes. I recalled her body being rather pale for a human, immediately showing that her blood had been drained. Her torn and blood-stained clothes presented her mistreatment and I still find it hard to grasp how someone could do that.

“Shocking, isn’t it?” Thomas leaned over my shoulder and scanned the file himself. “She was not only drained.” He solemnly spoke, pointing to a particular part of the report.

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