13.| aren't you tired?

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• This is how I destroyed you,   And this, is how I kept you alive

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This is how I destroyed you,
And this, is how I kept you alive. •

Jungkook found himself besides Hoseok on the cold ground of The Further, surrounded by the familiar fog. He held his hand tightly as they ran around together, calling Yoongi's name. This time Hoseok wasn't gonna let the demons push him away, they will fight them together.

During the seance, Jungkook felt Yoongi's soul slipping out of their hands by every second that passed, and he didn't regret his impulsive decision that he was sure, scared his parents to death.
The fog slowly became thicker so they knew that they were getting closer to the lost boy.

"Taehyung! Jimin! Show yourselves! I know you have him! We want him back and we aren't scared of you!" Jungkook spoke through the rage, he was so angry which made him feel so powerful. After all, he was the alive one. Hoseok was shivering out of fear, but he knew that he had to save Yoongi, even if it meant that he would get hurt, and that's exactly what gave him strength to continue.

As Jungkook's voice echoed in the haunting space they were in, a red door caught Hoseok's attention.

"There! Look!" He pointed his finger at it, and Jungkook was quick to react. They opened the door fearlessly and went through, but it was like nothing has changed. It got them nowhere.

"Is this some kind of a joke?!" Jungkook screamed again, "You cowards!"

It was all it took for a thick glass, cage alike, box to fall onto the ground behind them. As they turned around, inside the box, was exactly what they were looking for.

It was a small, weak, boy covered in bruises, laying on his stomach in pain, that Hoseok's eyes landed on, making him realize it was his Yoongi. On top of the cage, however, was a purple haired demon, well known to Jungkook, and what rised the rage in the younger was the fact, that he was smiling.

His smile was haunting, the blood dripping down his hands, making it obvious that what the boy inside the box looked like, was a consequence of his agressive mind.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok ran to the cage and slammed his fists against the surface, fearless of a demon above him, but the other wasn't responding, so he hit the glass again, and again while the creature laughed so insidiously. He screamed and begged, until he heard a voice. A whisper in his ear. "Are you brave enough to save him?"

"What?! Who is that?! Let me in!" Hoseok turned around, but he didn't see anyone else besides Jungkook.

"Hobi don't listen! Whatever it tells you! Don't listen!" The younger made a few steps forward but he was blocked by an arm. Taehyung stood behind Jungkook, pinning him to himself, with a strong hand over his mouth.

"Don't listen, Hoseok. Let your heart decide. Are you ready to save the love of your life?" Jungkook fought, but he wasn't strong enough, and the other, well, he just desperately nodded. He couldn't push the need to hold Yoongi in his embrace away.

"You can Hoseok, just go through the glass, like a ghost you are." Taehyung smiled an evil smile as the other passed through the glass.

Hoseok was shocked at the view inside. He wasn't inside of a glass, cage alike, box. Instead, in the basement of Jungkook's house. In Jin's reading room to be exact.

"Hobi?" A familiar voice spoke, making him look in a direction of a boy sitting on the floor in the corner of the room. "Yoongi? Is that really you?"

"Come here!" The other stood up and hugged Hoseok as tight as he could, making him cry out of happiness. "Oh shit... it's really you... it's you... finally."
The couple held each other tightly, almost forgetting about Jungkook, who was left alone with his demons, once again, and they didn't know that it was exactly what they wanted.

"Now sweetheart, I'll let you go, so we can talk in peace." Taehyung said as he let go of the boy on a verge of tears. "You're a monster!" he hissed.

"Better a monster, than an arrogant God." Taehyung smirked.

"What the fuck did you do to them?!" Jungkook pushed him away.

"To who?"

"To Hoseok and Yoongi! Are you stupid?!"

"They weren't here in the first place, I didn't do anything honey." The demon smiled.

"What? They were here! Hoseok was with me! You're not gonna trick me!" Jungkook screamed in anger.

"I don't need to trick you, you're tricking your own self Jungkook. Look around." he pointed at the blank space where the cage was, but nothing but a fog was there, not even Jimin.

"See? There's nothing there. It's just your imagination." Taehyung chuckled.

"No! It was right there!"

"There was nothing there." he slowly placed his hands on the others cheeks, staring deep into his eyes.

Jungkook felt so weak, he was so confused with everything that happened, it didn't seem real anymore.

"You fell down darling, you fell deep down in darkness, when nothing really happened. You harmed yourself for no reason. You upset your parents, when in reality, it was all in your pretty head." Taehyung let go of Jungkooks tired face and walked in circles around him. "You're just a burden Jungkook."

Walking in circles around a person, would be such a weird habit if it didn't hold a meaning. It was Taehyung's way of making Jungkook the center of attention and the cause of a series of events that had nothing to do with him. He never did anything to cause them. But Taehyung wanted him to feel the opposite, it simply simbolized control. He gave him guilt trips, that slowly creeped into his mind and weren't planning to leave.

"Aren't you tired Jungkook? Aren't you tired of saving everyone, but not being able to save your own self? It must be hard, I admire you I must say."

Jungkook sighed and just looked at the ground.
"I am.. I am tired. More than the usual actually..." he said quietly as he felt himself, slipping away.

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