3.| weirdo

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                      5 years after the fall

                           5 years after the fall                             ___________

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He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. •

"FOR GODS SAKE SHUT YOUR FACE!" Jungkook screamed in frustration.
"Everyone already calls me names! The last thing I need is for teachers to send me to a mental institution for talking to you."

Hoseok jumped in suprise but soon after, he giggled. "How could you roast me like that JK?" a laugh slipped from his mouth which made his friend facepalm in annoyance.

He liked to consider Jungkook his 'bestest friend in the entire world' as he liked to put it.
The other felt the same way and found it extremely cute even though Hoseok was a handful sometimes.
He was in fact his best and only friend and he liked how open he was for every crazy suggestion that Jungkook's brain came up with, so they always had amazing time together.
There was just one problem.
Hoseok was killed in the school shooting a year ago.

At a very young age, Jeon Jungkook discovered his special ability that scientists call Astral projection. In other words, his Astral body can leave his physical one while he is sleeping, allowing him to wonder into a place he liked to call  "the Further." As the time passed, Jungkook grew up, and so did his demons.

As much as he knows, in the universe he lives in, there are 3 worlds of the Afterlife. Heaven, Hell and a place where all of the lost, harmless souls wondered, searching for the light and peace so they could proceed to Heaven. They all had unfinished buisnesses or living people to watch for until they could stand in front of God and finally become Angels.

That's exactly where he met a crying, lost Hoseok, and befrended him. Soon after they became friends, he started seeing him even when he was awake. Hoseok haunted him and his family, with good intentions only.

Hoseok would walk around his home and mess with his parents who would always scream for help when things moved on their own, and Jungkook found it amazingly funny. Although having a ghost as a best friend was a blessing of some sort, it was also a curse.
He was 100% sure that everyone in school thought he was a psychopath for hearing voices and talking to air, but Jungkook didn't care, even if in their eyes he was just a weirdo, this boy knew it wasn't really the truth.

"Hobi please! Please just go, we will talk later when I get home, I can't stand all these morons staring at me all the time." Jungkook stated quietly as he stormed out of the crowded highschool.
"Fine fine, I'll be waiting for you at home then!" The other smiled and waved, slowly disappearing.

"Wait! Don't mess with dads they-" and before Jungkook could finish his sentence, Hoseok was gone. "-will freak out again... great, now Jin will have a panic attack and Namjoon will have one as well because Jin's panicking. And I'm talking to myself out loud, yet again." he sighed and placed his airpods in his ears, playing a catchy tune of his favorite songs.

Meanwhile in the house...

"HOLY FUCK- NAMJOON! THINGS ARE FLYING AGAIN I CAN'T HANDLE THIS ANYMORE!" Seokjin screamed, standing on the kitchen counter, tightly embracing his pug Poppy.

As his ears were triggered by a beautiful melody of his husband's screaming he almost slipped to death out of the shower, trying to dry himself and wrap a towel around his waist in panic, but thankfully he broke the shower cabin door instead.
"IM COMING TO THE RESCUE HONEY! DON'T WORRY!" Namjoon was storming down the stairs half naked, jumping around and trying to "fight" Jungkook's ghost friend with Seokjin's pink slipper, when in that moment their older child, Jaebum, entered the house only to find them like that.

"What for the love of God-" Jaebum said with a disappointed tone in his voice earning the attention from both of them.

"WE CAN EXPLAIN-" Namjoon said as Jaebum stepped backwards outside of the house, still looking at them.
"Dude I'm so out of this fun house, yall are fucking mental." He closed the door behind himself and left.
Jaebum didn't believe in any of those stories, even though his parents tried to explain Astral projection to him endless times, he always brushed it off, failing to admit that he was actually scared of his little brother.

"Jae? Where are you going-?" Jungkook said as he passed by his big brother already imagining the scene inside the house.
"Bro I can't listen to ghost shit again, my brain can't handle this stupidity anymore!" He said while getting into his car and driving off.

'If only you had one...'

Younger thought as he went through the front door of his home only to see a giggling Hoseok swinging a book of Seokjin's favorite recipes in front of Namjoons scared face.

"JUNGKOOK! Thank God! As you can see, Namjoon can only hold his hands in fists and scream at the book instead of actually protecting his handsome husband!" A well known voice came from underneath the kitchen counter where Seokjin was hiding, so the boy just chuckled.

"Hobi, stop it please." Jungkook said as he stood besides terrified Namjoon, satisfied when Hobi left and a book he was holding fell on the ground. "I tried my best buddy..." he heard his father say and he just smiled.

"His best my ass! I could've died here!" Seokjin chuckled as he stood up and greeted his boy with a hug.

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