Chapter 21

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Scarborough Castle, Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire

"If Burne can get me a maid's outfit, I'll go into the castle and find Allan myself." Roana's ocean-blue eyes were wide as she looked at Robin, imploringly. "Please, let me do this."
Robin rubbed a hand over his face, wearily, and tugged his hood forward as a gust of wind swept in from the sea, ruffling the grass and blowing cloaks around ankles. He was cold and he was wet, and he really didn't want to be hanging around on a cliff edge, waiting for an update from Burne. But Allan's life depended on it, and he would do whatever it took to ensure his friend was safe.
Much shot an outraged glance in the direction of the sea as if it were to blame for the weather, and turned back to the group. "My lady— Roana. You cannot go into the castle on your own. It will not be safe."
"Much is right," Robin said. "We don't know enough about what's happening, yet. Once we do, we can make a plan."
Roana sighed in exasperation and glared at the closed postern door. The constant rain was beginning to wear on everyone's nerves, and, combined with her worry for Allan, Roana was reaching the end of her tether. Earlier that day, she had been filled with optimism for the impending rescue, but now, everything was up in the air, and she had no idea of the outcome. She had no idea if Allan was even alive.
Roana had never been a fan of waiting for anything, and this moment was no different. As she started for the postern door, it opened a fraction and Burne squeezed his way out, followed closely by Alice.
"My lady!" She gasped, spotting Roana, who hurried towards her.
"Alice, what's happening?" There was a desperate tone to Roana's voice which hadn't been there previously. "Where's Allan?"
"Sir Guy says he is still with the Countess," Burne spoke up, looking around the gang to include them all. "She definitely knows him from somewhere."
"But where?" Djaq said, and Burne shrugged.
"No idea, but he's perfectly safe." He glanced at Roana. "She's had food delivered to her chambers, and a maid draw up a bath and find clean clothes. He won't be hanging any time soon."
"But I don't understand," Robin said. "How do they know each other? Allan isn't even from these parts."
Burne looked helpless. "I really wish I could tell you more. The Sheriff and the prince are fuming. Sir Guy is attempting to find out more, but the Yorkshire lot have closed ranks."
"So we've just got to wait?" Will said with frustration.
Burne looked contrite. "I'm sorry. All I can tell you is Allan is unharmed, and will remain so for the foreseeable. The Countess is guarding him fiercely."
The outlaws looked at each other, helplessly.
"Well, there is nothing more we can do for now," Robin said with a sigh. "Lets go and find shelter for the time being. Roana, come on... Roana?"
He scanned the area, quickly, but Roana and Alice had vanished. Walking to the postern door, which was swinging open in the breeze, he peered inside, grimly, before glancing back at the gang and Burne.
"Well, it doesn't look like we're going anywhere soon. Wait here while I find my sister."

"My lady, I don't like this. I don't like this at all. You shouldn't be in here. What if you get caught, and by William too? You know what he did to you last time he got hold of you." Alice was frantic with worry as she hurried to keep up with Roana, but her former mistress did not slow. Now that she was in the castle grounds, she was filled with purpose, and strode into the castle keep with Alice scurrying at her heels.
The interior was dimly lit, with candles mounted in sconces on the walls at regular intervals. Finding a dark doorway to a seemingly deserted hallway, Roana ducked into it, pulling Alice with her. She placed her hands on her friend's shoulders and looked into her frightened green eyes. Alice was no longer the maid she had once known; she was now a woman in her own rights, and a very lovely one at that. Roana was happy to call her a friend above all else, and she was proud of the choices Alice had made to better her life, even if they didn't all align with Roana's. It was all in the name of love, and Roana needed to convince her that what she was about to do was also in the name of love. She knew that she was being headstrong, going against Robin's wishes, and putting herself in potential danger, but Allan would not be safe until he was out of this castle. He would not be safe until he was back with her, and she would never forgive herself if something happened to him before she could speak to him again.
"Alice." She spoke quickly and quietly. "Stop worrying. William won't have a chance to touch me if I can get in and out as fast as possible. Now, which way is it to Dulcina's chambers?"
"My lady.." Alice began, but Roana shook her head, silencing her.
"It's Roana, Alice. You are no longer my maid. You are no longer a maid. Embrace it."
Alice's expression relaxed a little and she gave a ghost of a smile. "Roana. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Then help me," Roana insisted. "The quicker I find Allan, the quicker we can get out of here."
There came the sound of footsteps in the corridor and both women fell quiet, staring at each other in alarm. Alice's eyes gleamed in the flickering candlelight as they listened to the murmur of voices, and they shifted into a darkened alcove to avoid detection.
"Leave the prince to me. I'll deal with him," came a woman's voice, and Alice blinked once, very deliberately. It was Dulcina, conversing with a guard, judging by the rattle of chainmail.
As their voices receded, Roana realised both she and Alice were gripping each other's arms, tightly, in excitement and fear. She loosened her hold.
"Which way are her chambers?"
Alice gestured in the direction Dulcina had come from, and Roana squeezed her hand before leaving the alcove and heading out into the corridor. Alice followed her, but Roana turned back and shook her head, her lips pursed.
"No, Alice," she hissed. "I don't want you to get into trouble. I'll do this alone." Alice looked at her aghast, and Roana quickly pulled her into a hug.
"Thank you," she whispered into Alice's ear. "Now go."
Leaving her, she hurried along the corridor, keeping to the shadows as Alice had taught her to all those months ago in Nottingham Castle. The keep echoed with distant sound, but the corridor was mercifully deserted in this corner of the fortress. She had visited Scarborough Castle on a few occasions previously, to attend the Council of Nobles with Robert, but she had not ventured far past the Great Hall, and only had a vague idea of the location of the private chambers.
Eventually, she reached a winding staircase that lead upwards, curving into a turret before it reached a huge oak door. Pushing it open, cautiously, Roana paused and listened, craning her neck to glimpse inside. The door opened onto a small corridor with four closed doors leading off it. The surroundings were more sumptuous than the bare corridor she had just travelled through, with tapestries on the walls and an elaborately patterned vase sat on a small table.
Slipping inside, Roana pushed the door closed, quietly, leaving it slightly ajar. She hastened to the first door on her left and turned her ear to the smooth wood surface, listening carefully. Silence within. Placing a hand on the latch, she opened it as quietly as she could and pushed it open a crack. It was a beautiful bed chamber, lying empty.
Leaving the door open, she moved onto the next door. This time, there were soft sounds coming from within; faint splashing. Roana froze. It was either Allan, or she was about to walk in on Devereux, in the bath. With no clothes on.
Cringing slightly, Roana paused. If she opened this door and it was Devereux, he would call for guards immediately, and she would be forced to run. However, if she didn't enter and it was Allan, she would lose out on the opportunity to rescue him.
Throwing caution to the wind, she pushed down the latch and inched the door open, holding her breath in sheer fright.
Allan, relaxing in a huge, wooden bathtub, looked up in alarm as she entered, his expression instantly morphing into one of delight at the sight of Roana.
"Ro!" He made to stand, then thought again and lowered himself back under the water.
Closing the door firmly behind her, Roana hurried to him, took his face in her hands, and kissed him deeply, without preamble. Responding immediately, Allan threaded his fingers into the hair at nape of her neck, holding her close. His kiss communicated everything that he hadn't been able to say to her in recent days, and she, in turn, devoured his lips with a hunger she had held back for too long.
When they eventually drew apart, her hair was damp, tendrils clinging to her face, and his eyes were dark with desire.
"I love you," he said, smiling into her eyes, and she kissed him again before returning his smile, joyfully.
"I love you too. I'm so happy to see you," she admitted. "I was worried."
Hands still deep in her hair, he ran his thumb gently along her jaw. "What are you even doing here, Ro? It could be dangerous, you know."
Roana shrugged. "I had to see you," she said, simply.
"Does Robin know you're here?" Allan asked.
Roana gave an impish grin. "I'm guessing he does now. I escaped."
They both laughed, quietly, and Roana couldn't prevent her eyes from moving casually downwards before they widened, and flew back to meet his. She reddened, and he grinned, suggestively.
"Why don't you get in with me?"
"Stop it!" Roana swiped a hand at his shoulder in admonishment, then let it rest on his warm skin, a smirk on her lips. "I really would... but it will have to wait. I'm here to break you out. So, come on."
"Oh, wait a minute, Ro." Allan seemed suddenly reluctant, and Roana stopped short as the door opened behind them.
"Whoa, whoa, I'm naked!" Allan shouted as Dulcina entered, regally. She lost her composure immediately, and put a beringed hand up to cover her eyes, then dithered in the doorway, unsure whether to stay or go. In the end, she stayed, but didn't move any further into the room.
"Roana of Filey, is that you?" she called out, standing awkwardly half inside the doorway.
Her demeanour was so unlike the Ice Queen that everyone assumed she was that Roana could barely contain a bark of laughter, which she attempted to cover with a cough. "Ummm, yes. That's me."
She exchanged a quick glance with Allan, who didn't seem as perturbed as she would have expected.
"My love, I need you to leave," Dulcina said, her hand firmly over her eyes as she faced Roana and Allan. "I can't protect both you and Allan, as well as your other little friends littered around the castle."
Roana looked outraged. "What? No!" she exclaimed, angrily. "I came for Allan and I'm leaving with Allan."
"Ro," Allan said, quietly, and she turned to him, her expression stricken as he continued. "I need a bit more time here before I come with you."
Roana stared at him in shock. "But... I don't understand. What is going on between you two?" She glared at him, then at Dulcina. "Are you and she..?"
"What? Jesus, no!" Allan said, emphatically.
"Roana, please." Dulcina held her free hand out towards Roana, beckoning with her fingers. "Come with me, now. I can get you out of here. Then, you must go back to Filey, and I will bring Allan to you tomorrow. You have my word on that."
Stunned, Roana looked from her to Allan. "Is this a joke?"
"No," Allan replied, firmly. "Please do as she says, Ro. I'll be with you tomorrow and I'll explain everything then." He reached up to coil a hand around her neck and pull her into a sweet kiss before looking deep into her eyes. "You can trust me. I love you."
Unsure of what she was agreeing to, but trusting him anyway, Roana nodded and straightened. "Alright, I'll go. But you had better be in one piece when I see you next, or there will be trouble."
She strode out of the room, deliberately ignoring Dulcina as she passed her. Alice was hovering in the small corridor, looking apprehensive. She took hold of Roana's hand and pulled her out of the solar, down the turret staircase, and back onto the corridor, without saying a word.
Robin was waiting at the bottom of the steps, leaning casually against the wall. He pushed himself upright at the sight of Roana.
"Everything alright?"
Roana shrugged, perplexed. "We've been ordered back to Filey. Allan will join us tomorrow."
Robin nodded, then looked at Alice. "Any idea what's going on, Alice?"
"None," Alice confessed, frankly. "And I have asked around. Nobody is saying anything, but the Countess seems to actually care about Allan. He'll be safe with her."
"Happy?" Robin said to Roana, who curled her lip.
"I suppose I'll have to be." She turned to Alice and pulled the smaller woman into a hug. "When you return to Nottingham, don't be a stranger," she told the former maid, fiercely. "I'll only be in the forest."
Alice smiled at her, brushing a strand of damp hair from Roana's face. "This will all work itself out in the end. You'll not be in the forest forever, Lady Roana of Filey. And neither will you, Lord Locksley." She looked meaningfully at Robin. "Now, go, both of you."
With one last hug, Roana released her and followed Robin, hoping she would see her friend again soon, and under better circumstances. Robin glanced back at her and shook his head with a wry grin.
"What is it?" she said.
He slowed down to allow her to catch up. "I wasn't aware of what I was creating when I taught you and Marian to fire a bow all those years ago." He smirked at her. "I'm proud of you, Ro. You're an asset to your aunt and uncle, and to me. But you need to slow down. When I give an order to you and the gang, it is because I'm trying to protect you, and I can't do that if you take things into your own hands and run off like you did. Anything could have happened to you, alone in the castle."
Roana was crestfallen, and she dropped her gaze. "I know. I'm sorry. I was worried about Allan."
"I know you were, and he's a lucky man." Robin's tone was kind and she looked up at him. He stopped and placed his hands on her shoulders, meeting her eyes with a candid expression. "But we were all worried about him, and you risked putting other members of the gang in danger. Djaq and Much wanted to come looking for you, and I'm sure John and Will would have followed. I don't know enough about this castle to have my men running around on a wild goose chase. Plus, you could have got yourself killed."
Roana was suitably chastised, and felt a sickening lurch of guilt at the thought of jeopardising her friends lives. "I understand. It won't happen again."
"Good." Robin nodded, satisfied. "Come on."
The corridor ahead was a blind turn to the right, and there came the sound of approaching footsteps and conversing voices. Robin grabbed Roana's arm and they ducked into a stairwell, pressing themselves against the wall.
"But Vaisey, I'm disappointed. Why couldn't we just kill that man? He's an outlaw, after all. Why won't Devereux and Dulcina tell us what is going on?" The voice was plaintive but with an underlying thread of steel, and Robin inched forwards very slightly to catch a glimpse of the newcomers.
It was a group of three; the Sheriff, Gisborne, and Prince John. Robin recognised him from his time spent at the palace courts, many years before. The short, pudgy, ginger-haired child had certainly grown up.
The group paused in the corridor adjacent to the stairwell, and Vaisey said, "Well, he always used to spoil all the fun when we were children. Why don't you join us when we return to Nottingham? We have the money for the black knights, now. We can discuss our next move back in my shire."
Robin made to move back into the shadows, and his boot scuffed against the wall. He and Roana froze.
Out in the corridor, Gisborne glanced round, suspiciously. He caught Robin's eye, and Robin's hand went automatically to his sword hilt. But, instead of exposing their hiding place, Gisborne coughed to cover any noise and turned back to Vaisey and Prince John.
"Let me know when you are ready to travel home, my lord, and I will make the arrangements."
Vaisey clapped his hands together and rubbed them, briskly. "Make the arrangements, then, Gisborne. It is time to return home, is it not?" He placed a hand on Prince John's elbow and steered him away. "Now, shall we find you some wine, my liege?"
Their voices faded as they walked away, but Gisborne remained in place, watching them go. Without turning, he spoke in a low voice.
"Hood, now is your chance to get out while you can. Go straight to the postern door and leave. Do it quickly."
Emerging from the dark stairwell, Robin hid his surprise admirably, sending a nod and a smirk in Guy's direction as the knight half-turned towards them.
"Thanks, Gisborne," he said, simply, and, with that, he and Roana ran.

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