Chapter 12

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Filey Manor, Filey, East Riding of Yorkshire

As Allan slammed out of the room, Roana turned to face her family, anger and disappointment evident in her ocean-blue eyes. She longed to go after him, but this needed to be sorted first. She had every intention of leaving in the morning, but didn't want it to be on such bad terms.
"Uncle Robert, that was rude and unnecessary."
To her great surprise, Robert seemed to deflate before her eyes. He gave a deep sigh and rubbed his hand over his face. "I'm sorry, Roana. I've not been myself recently. I've been so worried about the house and the farm, William's repercussions, your safety. I'm afraid it must have got on top of me."
Roana softened immediately. "I'm sorry too. I fear I have been the cause of all of this, but you don't understand how difficult it was in Nottingham Castle. William is an abusive drunk. If it hadn't been for Allan, he would have taken me by force without waiting for a wedding, and left me in disgrace."
"Oh, Roana. That's terrible!" Eleanor exclaimed, moving to take her hand. "We feel responsible too. We both knew the type of man William was, but Devereux forced our hand - you must remember. We didn't know what to do after the barn fire; we were scared, and the only option seemed to be your betrothal to William."
With a stifled sob, Roana hugged her, fiercely, before looping an arm around Robert to pull him in too. When she pulled back, Eleanor kissed her cheek, her lips warm. Robert's eyes were red-rimmed, tired.
"When we took you in, Roana, we promised your father that we would do the very best for you. We would treat you as our own." Robert gave a wry smile. "Being with an outlaw is not the best for you. I would feel like I'm betraying your father's memory by allowing it."
Roana's heart, which had lifted very slightly, sank again. She dropped her arms and stepped back. "I'm not asking for permission, Uncle Robert. I've made my decision, and I'm leaving with Allan, no matter what."
Robert let out a sharp exhalation through gritted teeth, angry again. "He's not to be trusted. I would worry for you. You saw how he reacted just then! He's a loose cannon."
Robin stepped in, quickly. "Robert," he said, patiently, "I can vouch for Allan. He's not a bad person, and Roana brings out the best in him. Maybe he doesn't have money and land and a title, and he overreacts at times about the things and the people he cares about, but he makes her happy, and she makes him happy. I think they are good for each other."
Robert shook his head, once. "Be that as it may, but, as her guardian, I just can't allow it."
Marian, who had so far been standing to the side, listening yet reluctant to intervene, stepped forward. "Sir Robert, I do apologise for interrupting. However, I feel I need to speak up on behalf of both Roana and Allan. They are my friends, and I care about Roana in particular a great deal." She glanced at Robin then back to Robert. "I understand that you raised Roana, and that Malcolm left her in your care, and it looks like you have done an admirable job. But, surely Robin is her legal guardian, as her elder brother. Which means he has final say on any important decisions in her life."
Roana, Robert, and Eleanor all looked at Robin, who shrugged and raised his eyebrows, giving an apologetic grin. "It's true," he said, simply.
Robert sighed, his expression suddenly drained of energy. "I'm sorry, Robin. I didn't think. Roana is like a daughter to us and I just assumed she would continue under my guardianship." He looked at Roana and there was weary despair in his eyes. "I'm sorry, my dear. I have no say in your life, and it was wrong of me to assume that I did."
"Of course you have a say in my life," Roana said with feeling. "I love you both and you'll always be my family. But I love Allan, too. I'd like you to give him a chance. That's if," she glanced at Robin, wide-eyed, "my legal guardian approves of Allan and I."
Robin smiled. "I'd trust Allan with my life," he said to Robert and Eleanor. "He may be an outlaw, but he's a good man. Would you turn your back on a good man just because he has been outlawed by an unfair and unjust ruler? Because I am an outlaw, too."
"And so am I," Roana added, and Robin indicated towards her to supplement his point.
"Robert," Eleanor said to her husband in a gently pleading tone. "I don't want to lose Roana. Please relent."
Robert reached out to squeeze her hand and then nodded. "Fine. I will accept Allan." He looked at Roana. "If he makes you happy, my dear."
"Oh, he does. He really does!" Roana threw her arms around her uncle in delight, and he hugged her back, his smile rueful. "I've missed you," she whispered, close to his ear, and he hugged her tighter before she drew back. "Now, I must find Allan and tell him the amazing news. Thank you, all."
She beamed at Robert, Eleanor, and Marian in turn, before taking Robin's hand and planting a kiss of his knuckles. "Thank you, brother."
Leaving them in the solar, she hurried out of the manor into the courtyard at the front of the house. The atmosphere on the farm had lifted inexorably since their victory over William and the Sheriff, and there was a bustle of activity as preparations for the evening's festivities went ahead. Spotting Djaq, Much, and Will helping to decorate the area, Roana crossed the yard to speak to them.
"Has anybody seen Allan?"
"I saw him earlier but it was only a glimpse," Much said, bunting in hand. "He came out of there."
Much pointed to the side entrance to the house, that lead into the kitchen.
"That's right, I saw him too," Will confirmed. "He didn't stop to talk, though. He seemed.. preoccupied about something."
"And you haven't seen him since?" Roana asked, looking around in the hope of glimpsing him.
"I haven't seen him since he was with you, earlier," Djaq said. "Is everything alright?"
Roana sighed. "Well, it is now. But there was a... disagreement earlier. I need to speak to him."
The outlaws exchanged glances.
"When I saw him, he had wine," Will confessed. "If he's angry, he'll have gone to cool off somewhere and probably drink. I wouldn't worry. After a whole flagon of wine, he'll fall asleep in a barn somewhere. He can't really handle wine."
Much and Djaq laughed, and Djaq dug Will in the ribs. "Oh, and you can?" she said, jokingly.
Roana's mood deflated. She had been so excited to share the news with Allan, but he had disappeared. Of course, she couldn't blame him. Robert's words had been extremely harsh. "I'll have a quick look in the guest barn then. If you do come across him, please tell him I'm looking for him."
But he wasn't in the guest barn, and a quick circuit of the farm did not reveal his whereabouts. Deciding to leave him to his wine for the time being, as Much and Djaq had suggested, Roana returned to the house to join her family in the solar.

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