And he was being patient with him like an actual father would've, I was feeling melancholic the whole time my life is going to change from now and I don't know if I'm ready for that.

After our late lunch everyone entered the room with smiling faces, tears threatened to escape when i saw who was standing in front of me.

Daniyal's mom and dad.

"You look so beautiful aal masha allah!" Mom said with tears in her eyes as she hugged me tight, my dam broke as I couldn't control my tears anymore.

Dad caresses my head while I was still in mom's arms "you look really beautiful child, may allah bless your married life with happiness!" Dad blessed me smiling a little, it's hard for them just like me.

"I t-thought y-you guys wouldn't c-ome!" My voice was stuttering muffled by her arms.

"How can we not come on your big day! It's my daughter's wedding, may allah give you all the happiness in the world aal!" Mom said caressing my head.

I cried even harder because I don't know how they are able to be so calm and it'll be difficult for then to see me getting married again but here they are blessing me for my new life.

Mom never treated me as her daughter in law before she used to take my side to annoy dani, we were so happy expecting a child and  content with our life but now its so tough to accept the reality.

But destiny had other plans for us!

"Granny....!" Zain yelled excitedly as he jumped in his grandpa's arms while dad laughed loudly seeing his excitement.

"How's my little Zain doing? Did you missed your gran?" He tickled his stomach as he giggled cutely.

"I misshed you sho much!" He extended his arms wide to show how much he missed them as we all laughed at his antics.

"T-thank you mama, it means s-so much!" I sniffed while trying to even out breath.

"That's nothing aal, won't I compliment my daughter you don't know how happy we're for you! right hamid?" She caressed my cheek while she asked dad and he nodded smiling and Zain was busy gobbling the chocolate cheekily which dad gave it to him.

"I know it'll be not easy for you but promise us darling you will never give up on your new family!" She asked holding my hand and I nodded at her with glassy eyes.

How much blessed I'm to have so many lovely people around me!

Alhamdulillah ya rabbi!

Zaamin's pov:

I was shocked to see aala crying in a elderly womans arms then asfa told me that they were her previous in laws and a sad smile appeared on my face.

They had lost their young son, their only child how hard it would've been for them at an old age to handle such a news with patience.

And I can never miss the way they treat Zain and aala, the respect I had for them increased ten folds now as I saw the love and adoration in their eyes "can we talk zaamin? " her ex father in law asked me and I nodded as humza led us to an open balcony.

"Firstly congratulations on your wedding zaamin!"

I smiled at him "thank you sir, it means a lot!" I told him genuinely.

"I'm handing you my daughter and grandson zaamin, make sure you take good care of both of them, they're precious to me and my wife! If you ever hurt her I'll be the first person whom you're going to face and I'm warning you beforehand I'm not a person to be messed with!" He told me with serious face which actually made me gulp because he looked even more scarier than humza while threatening.

"Rest assured sir, I'll not let that happen, I will try my best to keep them happy and safe! Hurting is the last thing
I'll do because if I hurt her that means I'm hurting myself which I won't let it happen!" I told him sincerely and a look of relief showed in his eyes as he exhaled heavily.

"Thanks son that's what I wanted to hear from you and let me tell you something my daughter is very stubborn and she'll for sure try her very best to look normal and happy but dont get fooled by that!" He told me with a sad smile.

"As you know after my son passed away  she has closed her heart and will try to keep it that way but remember this son you have to prove her that theres a second chance at love and please be patient with her, I want the old aala back as long you both are happy, we'll be happy and content that she's moved on towards a happy life!" He told me patting my shoulder with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I promise you sir, I'll bring the old aala  back!" I told him firmly as he hugged me in a fatherly hug which I missed till now.

"And it's dad now for you son! Welcome to the family!" He welcomed me to which I gave him a happy smile and humza gave me a thumbs up.

I promised one thing today to myself that no matter whatever happens I won't give up on her!

"I'm so angry on you zaam, you're taking my sister away!" Humza punched me slightly on my shoulder with a sad look on his face and I looked at him smiling awkwardly.

"You can't be angry on me lion, you took my love away from me too remember?" He scowled at me openly and I laughed at his annoyed face.

"But don't worry like I said I'll take good care of them! And you're just six hours flight away from us! You can visit us whenever you want!" I told him with a wink to which he nodded his head.

A new beginning is awaiting for us!

And I couldn't be happier anymore!



An update! How was the chapter guys?

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See you soon sweethearts

-love noha

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