Entry 889: Monday 4th March 2019

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Entry 889
Monday 4th March 2019

I have started my new job today and even though it's only my first day I think it's gone really well. I also bumped into Kyle today and it was a bit weird.

When I got ready for work, I was feeling quite positive. I felt that I had a purpose; that I could put all of my energy into helping Blade, stopping Natasha's bullsh*t and contribute towards keeping the island safe. With a skip in my step I made my way to the community centre at the top of Arctic Road where I used to live with Roz and the others. TJ decided he was going to walk with me because he fancied some fresh air. On route to the community centre TJ continued taking the p*ss out of the fact that it looked like Mike ejaculated all over my face. "Have you decided to walk with me to the community centre because you wanted some fresh air or because you wanted to take the p*ss out of me?" I bluntly asked. "A little from column A and a little from column B," said TJ. As we continued our journey I looked ahead and felt a mild sense of dread when I saw who was walking towards me. It was Roz and Kyle. They were with Leo. "Oh, for f*cks sake," I said, "TJ, don't say anything. This is serious. Don't p*ss about. Let's just be civil, say hi and then go." "You got it chief," said TJ. I could see the discomfort on Roz's and Kyle's faces too but as we were walking towards each other there was no avoiding each other. As we all came face to face, we all exchanged fake smiles and the awkward tension was obvious. Kyle turned his head, looked away and then kept looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact with. "Morning," Roz said quietly. "Morning," I quietly replied. A tense silence followed which was broken by TJ making a f*cking stupid comment. "Well come on then Krystal and Alexis," he chuckled, "Ready for round two?" "Roz looked angry, Kyle turned away and I felt frustrated. "F*cking shut up," I quietly said to TJ through gritted teeth. I knelt down and smiled and Leo. "Alright mate," I said, "How are you doing? Your Daddy misses you lots and lots." "He's been playing hide and seek with his Nan this morning, haven't you, Leo?" said Roz, "She hid and you had to go looking for her, didn't you?" Roz said to Leo. "And did you find her?" I cheerfully asked. "He did," Roz, said with a smile, "He found her straight away." "Oh, never mind," I said, "Better luck next time." Roz gave me a tense stare, opened her eyes and looked towards Kyle. She was discreetly telling me to talk to Kyle and make an effort. I rolled my eyes, sighed and stood up. "You alright, Kyle?" I unenthusiastically said. "I'm going back home," Kyle said to Roz, and ignoring me he walked off. Roz gave me a displeasing frown. "What?!" I snapped, throwing my arms up in despair, "I tried." "Not very hard," snapped Roz. "Why should I be the only one who makes all the effort?" I snapped, "And if you turn round and tell me that I'm an adult and that he's 15 I might just have to punch one of us in the face." "Well you're getting good at punching innocent people in the face, aren't you?" said Roz. "I didn't punch Kyle," I said, "I slapped him and he was far from innocent." "Neither were you," said Roz, "You know he's definitely your son. You're both as pig headed as each other." "I think we need some time apart," I said. "How much time?" asked Roz. "Oh, I don't know," I said, "Let's just play it by ear." "You sound like you don't care," said Roz. "Well maybe right now, I don't," I said. Roz looked shocked. "Sorry Roz," I said, "But when me and Kyle are around each other nothing good ever happens. Maybe we're better off without each other." Roz shook her head in disappointment. "Do you think this is what Caroline would have wanted?" asked Roz. "I don't know," I said, "But let's be honest. Caroline didn't tell me about Kyle for years, so I think she had years of getting what she wanted. Maybe now it's time for me to get what I want." Roz shook her head, looked angry and disappointed, took hold of Leo and walked off. I looked at TJ, raised my eyebrows and shrugged my shoulders in despair and uncertainty. "You know," said TJ, "When Roz gets angry, I think it's a bl**dy shame that she's a lesbian, because makes this pout that gives her the best blow-job-able lips ever."

When I arrived at the community centre Blade was there with Sci-Fi Cyn and Naomi. "Ah," said Blade, "Here he is. Come in Luke. You're going to be working with Cyn and Naomi." This was a pleasant surprise. I had no idea Naomi would be here. We exchanged warm smiles but before we had a chance to catch up with each other Blade had the three of us sat around a table, quickly told us in a rather vague way what we needed to do and then he left because he said he was very busy and that he had somewhere else he needed to be. Blade left and I felt rather abandoned. "Is he for real?" snapped Naomi. "F*cking charming," I gasped, "He gets us all here and then just leaves us to it." "Well, well, well," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "Wriggly Worm and Stinging Bee don't seem to realise the gift that they've been given." "You what?" I said. "Blade does everything by the book," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "Based on what he's just said and the fact that it doesn't seem he's going to be here means Blade's happy enough to leave us to it. We have free reign." "Yeah," said Naomi, suddenly realising, "Cyn's right. We can do what we want."

The three of us read the document that Blade had sent us and we started to expand upon his vague ideas. We actually got a lot of work done. Sci-Fi Cyn wanted us to have a campaign called KILL, KILL, KILL, but as this would be abbreviated to KKK we quickly abandoned that idea. We have responded to Natasha's QCUC proposal with our own campaign called KISS; Kill Infected Stay Safe. We've designed leaflets and posters, made a list of people who can go door-to-door canvassing and we're even planning a Q&A debate thing where Blade will go head-to-head with Natasha, answer questions and convince islanders that Natasha's proposals are dangerous. I actually think that what Sci-Fi Cyn, Naomi and I have come up with is pretty good. Blade turned up towards the end of the day, looked at what we'd done and he was rather impressed. He took our designs and said that he would get leaflets and posters printed and then I guess we all start canvassing.

Once Blade left and we tidied up, Sci-Fi Cyn left because she had to get home as she was halfway through watching all of the Harry Potter films on Blu-ray. "I think we have done some good work today," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "Some good choices, and as Dumbledore said in the 2002 film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. I'll see you both next time we meet here, and as Arnold Schwarzenegger said in the 1984 film, Terminator; I'll be back." Sci-Fi Cyn left leaving me with Naomi. It was starting to get dark outside so I offered to walk Naomi home. "Luke, I live in Sandown," said Naomi, "It's going to be a long walk." "Oh yeah," I said, realising how stupid my suggestion sounded, "Idiot I am." "I've got the car too," said Naomi." "OK," I said, "You know, I think this campaign is pretty good. We might even have a chance of winning." "Well we can't let Natasha win," said Naomi, "Imagine part of the island being rammed with infected. It's a disaster waiting to happen. I can't believe you actually went on a date with her." "Well," I said, "To be honest it was nice to get a bit of attention from an attractive woman. Before her I was hooking up with Catherine and look how that turned out, and before Catherine...." I quickly stopped talking. I suddenly realised that the last romantic interaction I had with a woman before Catherine was with Naomi when we kissed each other. From the awkward look on Naomi's face, she knew why I'd suddenly stopped talking and things suddenly turned awkward between us. I quickly changed the subject. "I'm going to see Auntie Meryl tomorrow," I said, "Why don't you come with me? I'll take Leo and you can bring Sophie." "Yeah OK," said Naomi, "I can drive us there. I'll pick you up." Although there was a brief awkward moment between us it was nice that Naomi and I were getting on. I guess we were both very aware of the heated arguments we'd had previously about Seth but neither of us seemed to want to address it. It was a bit like there was an elephant in the room but for now I am just glad that we are getting on.

I'm looking forward to meeting Naomi tomorrow and going to see Auntie Meryl with her. I wonder if she's still convinced, she's a lesbian. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 757 to 956Where stories live. Discover now