Entry 864: Thursday 7th February 2019

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Entry 864
Thursday 7th February 2019

Kyle's back home!

Roz and I spent most of the day speaking at GRID soldiers and asking where Blade was and being fobbed off by them. When it got to early evening, we were both feeling pretty exhausted and rather deflated so we went to the pub, The Anchor Inn. We walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. "I'm starting to think we're never going to see Kyle," I said. "Oh, we'll see him," said Roz, "After all the sh*t we've had to deal with I'm not going to let a man stop me from seeing my son. Well, you know what I mean." "I suppose you are the nearest thing to a Mum he's got," I said, "God, I wish Caroline was here." "Me too," said Roz, "Mind you. She'd be doing exactly what we're doing." "Who'd have thought that me and you would be getting on?" "Yeah well whatever we think of each other we both care about Kyle," said Roz. The man behind the bar handed Roz a pint. She picked it up using her good arm – the one that wasn't recovering from the gun shot, and started to drink it, but as she was about to take her first mouthful, she stopped and looked to her left and appeared rather shocked. "What's up?" I asked. "Look," she said. I followed Roz's eyeline and saw Blade sat in a booth with Helen Harvey. They were drinking, socialising and having a laugh. I couldn't believe it. Roz grabbed hold of her pint, adopted a furious expression, stormed over to Blade and threw the contents of her pint glass all over Blade. He and Helen gasped and jumped in shock. "Good Lord, what do you think you're doing!?" exclaimed Helen. I joined Roz. "Where the Hell have you been!?" Roz snapped, "We've been trying to get hold of you for days!" "Just calm down, Roz," said Blade. "Calm down!?" snapped Roz, "Don't tell me to calm down. I'm not stupid. You've been avoiding us. What the Hell do you think you're playing at!?" "I haven't been avoiding you," said Blade, as he wiped the beer off his top, "I've just been very busy." "That's cr*p," I said, "You told us to meet you in the morning so you could take us to go see Kyle. First you forgot and then you're not there. Where the Hell have you been?" "I do not have to answer to you," said Blade. "Err... You do when you've got our son locked up, and when you've promised to take us to see him and you haven't," snapped Roz. "I thought his Mum was dead," said Blade. "She's as good as," I said, "Look, we've been trying to radio through to you and you've been ignoring us. We've spoken to the soldiers and it's pretty obvious you've told them to fob us off." "Luke, calm down," said Blade, "That's not true. You're being paranoid. There have been a lot of demands on my time. I've been very busy." "Not too busy to come in here and have a pint?" snapped Roz. "Look," said Blade, "We can sort this out. Come around to mine tomorrow morning and..." "No!" Roz loudly snapped, interrupting Blade, "No way. We're not being fobbed off again. You're going to take us to see Kyle, and you're going to take us to see Kyle now. Right now!" "Now?" said Blade, "It's 6pm in the evening. I've had a drink." "I don't care if it's 6am in the morning and if you've knocked back a gallon of Smirnoff. You are taking us to see Kyle and you are taking us to see him now!" "Roz, I will not be spoken to like this," said Blade. "Oh yes you will," snapped Roz, "I swear to God I will kick off big time if you don't drive us to see Kyle right now! I'm serious. You're stopping me from seeing my son so if you keep stopping me from seeing him, I will let everyone in this pub know just what sort of man you are." "Everyone in this pub – in fact everyone on this island wants your son to stay in prison," said Blade. "You can't stop us from seeing him," said Roz. "Look, let's not cause a scene," said Helen, "Everyone's looking over. I haven't had that much. Maybe we could go to the prison and give you five minutes with Kyle." Blade turned and looked at Helen with surprise in his face. It was as if he was surprised at what she was suggesting. "Five minutes!?" I exclaimed, "We want more than five minutes with him." "Take it or leave it," said Blade. "Why don't you want us to see Kyle?" I asked. "We'll take it," said Roz, "Come on. Let's go. Now."

Helen had drunk a lot of rum. The woman's a right rum fiend! Blade said he hadn't had that much to drink (completely contradicting what he said in the pub) so he drove us to the prison. Whilst I felt relieved at getting to see Kyle, even if it was only for five minutes, I could help but feel a bit tense. Blade's attitude and the fact that he's clearly been avoiding us was causing me to worry. I felt something was going on and it turned out I was right. On the journey to the prison Roz whispered in my ear, telling me that we will definitely get more than five minutes with Kyle, and that if Blade tried to throw us out we'd refuse to leave. "Are you two whispering?" Blade asked, as he looked in the rear-view mirror at us. "So, what if we are?" snapped Roz, "You've got no right to question us after the way you've behaved."

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 757 to 956Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora