Entry 794: Thursday 29th November 2018

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Entry 794
Thursday 29th November 2018

Bit of a quiet day today, but I'm feeling a bit annoyed.

I read the Isle of Wight Observer and as I flicked through the newspaper, I saw the article about the missing people. I say 'article' but I think that's over-egging the pudding. The article was squashed in a corner of page 11 and very briefly highlighted the issue. It listed the name of the people who were missing, including my Mum and asked people to keep an eye out for them. That's it! There wasn't even any pictures and the descriptions that were given were basic. It described Mum as being a white woman in her late fifties. That's it! So, are we all supposed to keep our eyes open for someone who looks like that? That's loads of people! If I didn't know better, I'd say Blade didn't want this issue being given attention. I think I'm going to have a word with him. People are going missing and he doesn't seem to care. I know Katie's p*ssed off with me but maybe I should go around to hers and try and have a chat with her? Maybe both of us taking on Blade and having a chat with him might get him to take our concerns seriously, and get a big story put in the paper rather than a p*ssy little article. Mind you, I'm surprised Katie didn't print something on the front page, Maybe Blade's had a bit of a go at her and told her not to make a drama out of it?

Ash is even starting to get worried about my Mum now. We were at home, having a cup of tea in the kitchen and he asked me where I thought she could be? God, he gets on my nerves sometimes. What a stupid question to ask. "I have no bl**dy idea where she is," I exclaimed, "If I had any clue, I wouldn't be stood here drinking tea with you, I'd be out there looking for her." "Do you think all the people that have gone missing are all together," asked Ash. "I don't know," I said, shrugging my shoulders, "Maybe. If I'm being honest, I think something a bit dark is going on. Blade told us all there's never been an infected on this Island, and then he backtracked and said there were a few, right at the start of the outbreak." "What's that got to do with anything?" asked Ash. "I'm saying that if Blade can lie to us about infected, then what else could he lie to us about?" I said. "It's not exactly lying is it?" said Ash, "He's just kept the entire truth from us to help us all feel safe." "He's lied," I bluntly said, "I'm starting not to trust him. "Are you implying that you think he's got something to do with your Mum and the others disappearing?" asked Ash. There was a short pause. "I don't know," I said, "I just know that he's lied and he doesn't seem to be taking all this seriously at all." "Luke," Ash, bluntly said, "Blade wants to keep us all safe. There's no way he'll have anything to do with people going missing. You need to get that conspiracy theory sh*t out of your head and think about how you can find your Mum." Ash went on to ask me who I was shagging, if I lied about shagging Katie but I managed to change the subject and distract him. No one can find out I'm shagging Catherine.

I'll go to see Katie tomorrow and hopefully I'll convince her to come with me to see Blade and all being well, we'll convince him to take out concerns seriously...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 757 to 956Where stories live. Discover now