Entry 814: Wednesday 19th December 2018

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Entry 814
Wednesday 19th December 2018

A quiet day.

I haven't heard a peek from Mia, expect when she told me to get lost when I have knocked on her door. Ash said he saw her leave the house to go and report but apart from that we haven't heard a peep out of her. Mum left some food and water outside of her room which I know she's had because when I came upstairs just now the plate was bare and the glass was empty. At least she's eating and drinking. I don't know what we're going to do to get her out of her room but we need to do something. This can't go on forever.

On a slightly more positive note I saw Blade at the reporting station today. He told me that the tests conducted on Catherine's corpse showed that she drank some of Jase's blood and that's how she got infected. "Why did it take you so long to figure it out?" I asked. "Luke, you're not a scientist," said Blade, "You wouldn't understand. Let's just be glad that we got to the bottom of it and that there's nothing to worry about." "I'm starting to think your GRID tests are a bit cr*p," I said, "They take ages to find anything, they don't detect certain viruses and they haven't done anything to help Mia. In fact, Mia has only left her room to report to the reporting station. She's a mess." Luke," Blade, firmly said, "The results from certain types of tests do take a while to obtain, and rather than having a go at me about certain viruses being undetectable maybe you should have a go at Endo who developed the virus and is responsible for this entire situation. Me and my guys are here to clean up his mess, and as for Mia, we conduced all manner of tests on her to try and help her and to try and get the virus out of her. We did our best but we were sadly unsuccessful. I'm sorry but Mia is going to have to get pregnant. The one to blame here is Endo and ACROBAT – you know, the organisation your Mum and your house mate used to work for. GRID is not to blame." I guess I could see where Blade was coming from but it was annoying that he gave no words of comfort apart from; Mia needs to get pregnant! Nice. Another bit of good news that Blade told me was that all of the test result from the additional testing that the islanders took part in came back all clear. This means there is no version of the virus in any islanders, excluding Mia so it's good to know that Harold didn't inject any more of us with anything whilst we were frozen. I told TJ what Blade told me about Catherine. I think we were both as relieved as each other.

What with all the drama that's recently been going on I have forgotten that it's going to be Christmas in six days. To be honest I'm really not feeling very Christmassy right now.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 757 to 956Where stories live. Discover now