Entry 935: Friday 19th April 2019

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Entry 935
Friday 19th April 2019

Well, it looks like any chance of me and Kyle sorting things out has well and truly sunk to the ocean floor like a sack of sh*t, but I'm not just going to sit on my arse and do nothing. I'm going to sort it out!

I went around to see Kyle in the morning but Mum told me he'd gone out with Leo, and when I called back in the afternoon Roz said he'd gone out. I took the latter as an opportunity to try and have a chat with Roz and sort things out after yesterday. I asked if I could come in, she opened the door and with a blunt look on her face she showed me into the living room. "Feels a bit weird being back here," I said. Roz picked up Leo and handed him over to me. "Here," she firmly said, "Spend some time with your son." "Hello, you," I cheerfully said to Leo. I sat down and started fussing over Leo. "Any idea when Kyle will be back?" I asked. "No," Roz, bluntly said. "OK," I said "Do you know where he's gone?" "No," Roz said, once again with a harsh tone in her voice. "You know I was thinking the other day," I said, "Kyle should probably be in secondary school. I know they have a primary school here, but I really don't know if they've got a secondary school." "Why don't you go and take Leo for a walk," Roz sternly said. "You're still in a mood with me, aren't you?" I asked. "Yes!" Roz, loudly snapped, "My God Luke, Tara could have been killed. The woman who killed my girlfriend, your ex-wife, the mother of one of your sons – one of your sons who she kidnapped, brainwashed and flew around the world, she could have been killed, but instead she's flying around out there, still alive because you stopped Trudy from killing her." "Hang on," I said, frowning with confusion, "What do you mean she kidnapped Kyle? She didn't kidnap Kyle." "What are you talking about?" exclaimed Roz, "Of course she kidnapped Kyle. We know she kidnapped Kyle. Kyle told us." "Roz," I said," Tara didn't kidnap Kyle. When the sh*t hit the fan just before we were all frozen, Kyle wasn't kidnapped by Tara; he went with her willingly." "Oh, what a load of cr*p," snapped Roz, "What the Hell are you talking about? This is more lies Tara has fed you." "It's not lies," I said, "Has Kyle still not told you the truth. He left with Tara willingly. She told him that they would make a good team that they could look after each other and that you and I didn't really care about him at all." "Rubbish," snapped Roz, "Kyle wouldn't fall for that." "Well he did," I said, "This is Tara we're talking about. She's like Harold; a master manipulator. I was there, in the boiler room underneath that old primary school when Tara told me all this." "And you believed her!?" Roz, loudly exclaimed. "Roz, I saw Kyle's face," I said, "He looked guilty as Hell. Tara's been pulling his strings and manipulating him all this time. For crying out loud Roz, open your eyes! It was Tara who convinced Kyle to run me over. I know you might not like it, but Kyle left Sector F and got in that helicopter with Tara, WILLINGLY." A tense silence followed at Roz absorbed the news. "I thought Kyle would have told you," I said. "He's been spending time with Leo and keeping himself to himself," said Roz, "I don't believe this. He went off with her willingly? The woman who killed his own Mum? It's bad enough you didn't let Trudy kill her, but this..." "Look, I feel bad about not letting Trudy kill Tara," I said, "I really do. If I could do it all again, I'd kill the b*tch myself, but she's a manipulator. She manipulated me and she manipulated Kyle. We both fell for it. We should be angry at Tara not Kyle." "God, this is too much to take in," said Roz, "I mean, I knew they kind of got on, but I only thought they ended up getting on because she kidnapped him after he was shot. I can't believe he actually went willingly with her." Roz said she wanted to be left on her own to absorb what I'd just told her. She looked like she was really shocked. I'm a bit surprised to be honest. After everything that happened, I thought it was pretty obvious that Kyle went off with Tara willingly – I guess not to Roz.

I took Leo to Sails Café and met up with Ash, and we had a chat over a cuppa. I thought me and him also needed to have a chat to clear the air after yesterday. Trudy was also back there working. "It's good to have you back," Ash said to me. "It's good to be back," I said. "You still p*ssed off with me?" I asked. "That's weird," I said, "I asked Roz the same thing earlier on." "What did she say?" asked Ash. "A very firm, yes," I said, "Anyway, I told her that Kyle went off willingly with Tara when we were all frozen. She didn't take it well.  The idea that Kyle could willingly go off with the woman who killed his Mum and her girlfriend is too much for her to take." "Yeah, but he's a kid," said Ash, "Plus he'd just been accidentally shot by Mike and let's be honest – Tara is a f*cking master when it comes to brainwashing you." "Thank you," I said, "That's more or less what I said." "You shouldn't have stopped Trudy killing her though," said Ash. Trudy appeared with a pen in one hand and a pad in another. "Are my ears burning?" she said. "Trudy?" I said, "What are you doing here?" "Hmm, let me think," she sarcastically said, "Apron. Pen. Pad. Café. I'm gunna say scuba diving." "I mean how come you're back at work so soon?" I said, "You never told me you were coming back." "You're not my bl**dy keeper," said Trudy, "I spent enough time cooped up with you and Victor Meldrew inside that frigging pyramid, the last thing I need is to be cooped up with you and two other nob head blokes. I just wanted to get back to work. Anyway, come on. Do you want something to drink?" "I fancy something different," I said, "What are my options?" "Yes, or no," Trudy, bluntly said. "Well, yes," I said, "We want a drink, I..." "Right," said Trudy walking off, "Two teas. Sit there, shut up and I'll be back in a minute."

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 757 to 956Where stories live. Discover now