11. Out of the Frying Pan

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The train ride to Stiftung took about a day and a half, consisting mainly of Colm awkwardly avoiding any more irritating conversation, Idara taking away his sleep aids after the first night, and Ulan constantly staring at him from his spot across the compartment. Having a sharp-tooth-filled smile in his face all the time sends chills up the spine, to say the least.

Idara kept trying to get Colm to open up about the monastery to the point he thought she would tie him to a chair if he didn't start talking. He did manage to dodge the questions, though, by tricking Ulan into rambling about something or other every time she tried. Once they finally disembarked, he focused his energy on carrying extra luggage in the hopes it would excuse him from conversation on the way to their hotel for the night.

"Ah, finally!" Idara said, stretching her arms out wide. "Glad to be back on stable ground, eh, Colm?"

"Eugh." Colm couldn't express how much he wanted to throw himself in front of the train in the moment. If he did, Idara would probably throw something at him.

"Since you aren't on the verge of puking down onto Idara any more, I'd say you're probably pretty happy!" Ulan said with a grin.

"What?" Idara replied, revolted.

"Oh, he came close."

"I did a little, once."

"IS THAT WHY THE CORNER OF THE BUNK SMELLED?" Idara boomed. Colm hid behind the pile of luggage in his arms and Ulan howled with laughter. "Ugh, whatever, it's over now. You get bottom bunk next time. You seem like a bottom anyway."


"Let's go, guys!" Ulan commanded giddily. "I wanna get the room and see some of the town!"

The trio arrived at the hotel and rented two connected rooms, and the original dynamic duo dragged Colm out onto the town with them. Colm tried to slip into the room and lock the door, but Idara grabbed him by the ear before he could escape and pulled him down the hall until he gave in and walked off his own accord.

Idara led the trio through town to gaze upon the sights of the mountainside city. It was Colm's first time outside Joustbergh since he first joined regular society, and he couldn't help but feel conflicted. The mountains reminded him of the monastery and its surroundings, but it was an uncanny resemblance at best. None of the colors matched what he knew, sparse vegetation gave it a much more deadened look, and houses and pathways sprawled onto the near-vertical mountainside.

The group found their way to the outdoor market and Idara continued to lead the way. Most of the tents and storefronts sold items or services related in some way to the mines, either selling gear for miners or mine products to visitors of the city. Ulan turned his nose up at the shiny stones and jewelry, but Idara always stopped to see what they had.

"Oh, this one is beautiful!" Idara said.

Colm looked at the subject of her adoration to see a very strange-looking piece of jewelry. She held up a sterling silver necklace that turned into a flowing, decorative shoulder pauldron with large gemstones in admittedly beautiful patterns. Idara's laser-like gaze focused on the round sapphire center-piece, surrounded by silver-encased amethyst stones.

"Rocks," Colm mumbled. While he actually found it rather stunning as well, he didn't want to give Idara something to say to him later.

"Yes, Colm. They are rocks. Congratulations." Idara turned and patted him endearingly on the head. "Rocks are pretty, yes?"

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