28. A-Marching We Will Go

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"What do you mean the trains are down!?"

Colm didn't even flinch at the sudden outburst. He was used to it by now.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but the train broke down after it arrived," the elf behind the counter said timidly. "It took a lot of damage from the bandits who had been shutting down the tracks as the conductor tried to force his way through. We've been waiting on parts since it arrived."

"How much longer until the parts get here?" Idara asked, a glint of hope in her eyes.

"They're coming by cart.." the elf trailed off.

"We had to COME here by foot," Idara said through gritted teeth. "You mean we have to go BACK that way too?"

"Y-yes?" the elf said. Idara sighed.

"Okay, then that's what we're doing," Idara said as she spun around. "Thanks for everything."

"Y-you're welcome?" the elf said. Colm snorted a laugh and followed Idara with Ulan as she stomped away.

"So, same plan as before?" he asked as he caught up.

"Pretty much," Idara groaned. "We need to get back, and I don't feel like waiting however long it'll be to take the train."

Ulan gasped and started prancing like a show horse, lighter on his toes than anyone would think and drawing amused gazes from onlookers all around. Colm and Idara stopped and watched him for a moment before saying anything, curious if he would keep up the show or just ask. He kept it up.

"What?" Colm asked abruptly.

"Let's hike it out!" Ulan said. Colm cocked an eyebrow. "All together! We can focus on the walk and nature."

"Instead of..?"

"Everything that happened."


"What about all our stuff?" Idara asked, motioning toward the pile of bags they were approaching at the loading platform. "We can't carry all that."

"We'll mail it," Ulan said. "Send it to Starcloud with a note."

"You're really just gonna impose on Abelard like that?" Colm asked, somewhat irritated for reasons he couldn't explain.

"We can mail it to your place," Idara suggested, eager to find out Colm's address.

"Uh, no."

"WE won't be imposing on Abelard, then. YOU will!"

"Uh, no."

"Come on, he wouldn't be mad," Idara said. She cupped her hands close to her chest and leaned toward Colm. "Pleeeeease?"

"You aren't cute," Colm said. Idara pouted at him. "Stop."


"Sweet moon," Colm muttered. "Are you just going to-" Idara pressed her side against his- "get even worse..."






"Moon above, FINE," Colm said angrily, barely able to support Idara's weight bearing into him. She flashed a toothy smile as she removed herself from on top of him. "I'll write a note for us, but YOU'RE paying."

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