Chapter 39

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Paige POV

The next day we finally celebrated Ethan's Birthday and it was great. It was just the 4 of us. It was like we all needed a brake from everything that was going on.

We ate the left over food from yesterday, we played party games, we had cake and Ethan opened his presents from Sara and Scarlet. Scarlet gave him a sports jacket and Sara gave him a handmade photo frame with a picture of the three of us.

We were all on the sofa resting after a fun day. Then Scarlet looked at us and said "Uh guys you're trending" she said holding up her phone. On her screen there was a photo of Ethan and I with a headline saying "Could this be Ethan Anderson new love interest?"

"Oh no" I said pulling out my phone. There was pictures of Ethan and I from London, there was pictures of us at the park with Sara, there was pictures of us from both of Ethan's Birthday Party's. It was like we were being followed everywhere. Each article written about us had a different headline. "Did Ethan fall for the Nanny?" "Is this a Cinderella Story?" "Did the billionaire fall for the nanny?" "Is the nanny a gold digger?" "Did the nanny seduce the billionaire" Those last two stung. "Oh no, Ethan what are we going to do?" I whispered looking up at him.

Just then his phone rang and he walked to the kitchen. He walked out  and said "that was my publicist, apparently someone leaked them the news this morning." He said.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him.

"Well there are two ways to deal with this. One would be ignore them but knowing how they are, they're going to follow us everywhere until they can confirm it. Or the second option would be tell them the truth. Personally I prefer the second" he said looking at me.

"But Ethan this could ruin your image" I whispered looking down at the floor.

He kneeled in front of me on the couch. "Paige, I could care less what anyone thinks of me. I only care about the people in this room. I want the world to know I'm dating a wonderful women and that I was in love with her." He said looking at me.

"Are you sure Ethan?" I asked him.

"I'm 100% sure. I wouldn't want it any other way." He said leaning in to kiss me.

Scarlet yelled "Awwww! That's so adorable and sweet" she said and Sara laughed when we kissed.

Ethan pulled away "they're going to follow us everywhere in the beginning, but then they'll find some other scandal and completely forget about us." Ethan said.

"Ok" I whispered.

I couldn't sleep at all that night. Ethan tried to convince me to go to the cops. I said no. We had enough troubles, I was pretty sure Neil would leave us alone.

The following day Scarlet left and the house was roaming with paparazzi.

They followed Sara and I to school and on our way back home. They also followed Ethan to work as well. His publicist sent out publication saying we were dating but we wanted to keep our personal life private.

I saw so many mean headlines about me. People were criticizing me, calling me ugly, fat, and gold digger. I tried to ignore them but they honestly hurt. Ethan kept telling me they were all lowlife rats and that they just wanted a good headline and that I should ignore them.

They followed us for about 4 weeks straight. Since we didn't do or say anything to the paparazzi, they eventually stopped following us. We decided to stay home during this period and that seemed to scare them off.

Time flew by and before we knew it May was among us. Things have calmed down with the Paparazzi and we all got back into our daily routines.

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