Chapter 25: Visions of Dragon Fire

Start from the beginning

Kili's face drops as Fili chuckles to himself. "Insulting? Were you insulting me all this time!?" he cries.

Gailien chuckles, sitting next to him on his cot. "Only if you took it that way. It meant 'little one'."

"Little?!" Kili cries in outrage. "You've been calling me little all this time?!"

"Hush," Gailien says softly, beginning to unwrap the bandage as he props his leg up. "It used to be my own. As I said though, Polodren is much more fitting."

Kili's demeanour changes at the new information. "You gave me your own nickname?" He huffs playfully leaning back on his hands. "I think she's chosen her favourite, Fee."

Fili only lifts his eyes, smiling softly at his brother but continues sharpening without comment. His jaw twitches as he swallows thickly. Gailien glances over her shoulder at the older brother, taking note of his quiet character.

She finishes unwrapping. "I just need to go ask Oin for a new one," she states. She stands, beginning to wander over to maze of belongings once again. Her knees lift as her arms reach out to the sides slightly, her body twisting to not step on anybody's things.

She takes a large step over Thorin's belongings, her toes barely touching the ground as she is pulled into another unexpected vision.

It is utterly horrifying from the start. Smaug, awake and in full flight. His chest burns like embers as he soars directly towards her. The world around her is blurred, a mix of smoke, fire, and buildings – there is no mistaking that it is Lake-town.

In her vision, she ducks out of the way, Smaug's flames burning over her head as she rolls behind a stone structure. His body swoops low over her head, encasing her in his shadow. Why is she still in Lake-town? Why is she not with the Dwarves?

She runs out of her spot with a destination in mind. She leaps over fallen obstacles, running past the open flames the engulf homes and roads. People scream, running in the opposite direction. The dragon flies overhead once more, though higher and faster. Gailien watches it, not slowing her pace.

She turns a corner as another figure sprints towards her. Her boots skid across the ground to a stop. Bard. He stands in front of her, holding a large black arrow that is not made for any ordinary bow. They look at each other for a moment but Smaug growls above them and they duck out of the way.

If it weren't for her keen eyes, she might have missed it but there is no mistaking it. Under his left wing there is a dislodge scale; a weakness in his armour. Her eyes snap back to the arrow in Bard's hand.

The next thing she registers is a thumping pain on the side of her head. Her vision readjusts as she returns to the present. Gailien looks straight ahead but she is also looking at the roof, four heads popping in around her vision. Her nose crinkles in a wince as the pain doesn't fade away.

Oin is one of the four, kneeling by her head as he presses something to it. Gailien recoils at his touch, utterly perplexed to why he is there. Her eyes blink rapidly, trying to organise her thoughts but everything mixes together.

Gailien digs her elbows into the floor to try and push herself up but Fili quickly stops her, gently guiding her back down. She can't even find it in herself to fight.

The dragon – they awaken the dragon. So the Dwarves are at the mountain but she doesn't leave with them. Should she tell them – warn them? Warn the people of Lake-town, or the Dwarves, or both? Is there any way to stop them from awakening him?

But Smaug will be awoken any which way since they intend to reclaim Erebor, but they wanted an army behind them. But an army will do no good if they do not have a weapon to destroy him with. They need to Black Arrow and Bard knows where to find one.

"You just hit your head," Fili explains to Gailien. Gailien doesn't even look at him, just straight ahead at the ceiling but she blinks, twitching which tells them she is not in a vision. "Gailien? Can you look at me?"

"Is she alright?" Bilbo asks, his hands resting on his bent knees. Gailien doesn't make any acknowledgment of Fili's request, her breathing laboured. Oin frowns, pulling at her cheeks lightly to look at her eyes. They flicker between invisible images.

"Gailien?" Kili tries, leaning closer to see if her eyes move to him.

Gailien's mind runs through too many things at once. Her options seem both endless and non-existent and with the pain in her head, she fights herself just to be able to think. She's never struggled so much to just orientate herself after a vision, but never before has she seen something like this.

Then her eyes roll towards the back of her head.


Gailien's breathe catches as she awakens and once again, she is in a different place. She is still lying down by her head is resting on its side against something both firm and tender. I front of her there are a few Dwarves sitting on the ground, their backs facing her as they face the homely fire.

Along with the warmth of the fire, she is coated in a thick blanket, pulled up to her shoulders. The pain in her head is now a soft pulse near her temple – there, but manageable. Her legs shift as she moves onto her side to face the fire. She is lying across something both soft and familiar. Her bed. But the mattress is on the floor in the common area.

The thing which her head rests upon extends out in front of her face, turning into a pair of boots. Her shoulders un-tense as she realises who they belong to. His hand moves from the mattress to her head, slowly running his fingers through her loose hair.

She smiles, nuzzling her face against his leg. His finger slowly traces down the side of her face, missing over her sore temple and runs down her neck before slowly retracing the invisible line back up.

In front of her, one of the Dwarves turn around and look at her. Fili smiles softly as their eyes meet then turns back around, mumbling something to his brother.

"You had me scared for a while there," he mutters softly, barely above a whisper. Most of the company are quiet, sitting and drinking in front of the fire. Except for Bofur who lies drunkenly passed out underneath the dinning table.

Gailien tilts her head up to the right to look at his face. "It wasn't my intention. I just...a good knock to the head I suppose. It happens." The vision replays over in her mind, erupting a new headache but she cringes, pushing it away. She has no idea what to do, but there is no way she could convince them not to go into the mountain. And she is needed here to warn the people. So many variables. And they have no idea what is coming.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired. I think I'm just going to go back to sleep."

"Would you like us to take you back to your room?"

Gailien sighs, thinking about the offer but there is no reason to accept. She is warm, comfortable and surrounded by her friends. So, she shakes her head. But she can think of a position she'd much rather be in. Pulling herself up, the blanket softly falls into her lap and Thorin unravels his arm from around her. He is leaning back against the counter that she was the previous day.

Sitting up fully, she slowly climbs into his lap, curling her legs up on his other side. Her left side presses into his front and she lets her head fall onto his shoulder, nestling under his hair. Thorin shifts to a more comfortable position, his arms wrapping around her and he laughs softly, the vibration jostling her. With her right arm, she wraps it around is chest and up past his shoulder.

"Guys?" she calls out, having to take a deep breath to be loud. The Dwarves turn around, raising their brows. "Can I request a song?"

"Which one would you like, lassie?" Dwalin asks, sitting next to his brother.

"The one that you sang on the very first night. At Bilbo's'."

Thorin smiles to himself, tightening his grip on her as he leads them into the melody.

"Far over the Misty Mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away, ere break of day..."

As he sings, to show her appreciation, she kisses his neck softly. His grip tightens around her and his fingers begin drawing patterns of runes onto her thigh. She needs this tonight – the peacefulness. As she assumed, their voices lull her to sleep.

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