Baby Kicks

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Me: Henry! Henry!

Henry: What?

Me: Guess what happens next chapter?

Henry: I get to leave?!

Me: Yes, sadly


Me: BUT!

Henry: But what?

Me: But you come back after how many chapters the person wants to stay

Henry: If I get to leave fine.

Me: And when you come back, you have to stay for that long too

Henry: Who's taking my place?

Me: Uh..... Norman

Norman: Really?!

Me: Yes!

Norman: Yay! Can I start the chapter?!

Me: Yes Norman, you can start the chapter

Norman: Yes, anyway this chapter was requested by~

Norman: And Heather wasn't even born yet, so you guys get to see what else happened while Bendy was being the clingiest

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Norman: And Heather wasn't even born yet, so you guys get to see what else happened while Bendy was being the clingiest

Me: Thank you Norman, anyway enjoy!

~Sammy's POV~

Oh my lord this kid is killing me. They won't stop kicking now!



"The baby is kicking now."

"And that means?"

"It's growing more." I say

"Oooooh, okay."


"What is it Sammy?"

"I want cuddles." I say and reach out to my boyfriend. Bendy sighs in defeat and comes over and pulls me into his lap. "Better?"

"Yes, thank you." I say, "Can you actually believe we're going to have a child?" Bendy asks I shrug, "Kinda, I've been waiting for this since forever." I say "What do you think would've happened if you went back in time and told your past self that you're pregnant with my kid?" Bendy asks I laugh "Oh god, I would've been so freaking happy you don't even know, I'd probably die from happiness."

That Annoying Prophet I love so much Pt. 2: Little demon child Where stories live. Discover now