Angel wings and Demon horns

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Me: Oi Henry

Henry: What?

Me: You excited for this chapter?

Henry: Judging from the title no

Me: Well too bad! I'm writing it anyway!

Henry: Christ...

Me: Heather is... Imma keep her 5 for a few chapters so... She's 5

~Heathers POV~

My powers are acting up again and so are Chris's angel wings, and I don't know what to do.

"Should we tell them?" I ask trying to keep my face from dripping to much and forming a dead like Daddy's, I like it but, I don't want to make Mommy and Daddy more stressed with my powers then they already are. "Mhm, I think it's time we tell them! Before we get even more messy!" Chris says and we get up to find out parents.

~a bit later~

"Mommy, mommy look." I say tugging on Mommy's pants she looks down and her eyes widen "Oh my god..." She says and picks me up, "You have another form and you didn't tell me didn't you?" She asks I nod "Mhm! I wanted to to do it myself! And and, tell you when I had it under control!" I say. She smiles at me and pats my head then grabs my hand.

"C'mon, let's go show Daddy." She says I smile real big and we leave to go find him.

We soon find Daddy talking to Uncle Boris and Uncle Tom.



"Look at our daughter." Mommy says and picks me up, Daddy is taken aback for a bit. "H-Heather has another form..." He says Uncle Boris and Uncle Tom exchange looks then look back at me, I flash a big smile revealing sharp teeth. Their eyes widen and Uncle Boris jumps into Uncle Tom's arms afraid. "Holly mother of god! She really is half demon!" Uncle Tom says and sets Uncle Boris down. Mommy hugs me "She's adorable like this isn't she?!" She says smiling, I giggle in response. "I never thought she'd have an ink demon form, but I guess I was wrong." Daddy says and pats my head.



"S-Sorry dad." Chris says getting off of Uncle Tom whom he knocked over trying to fly. "It's fine, Chris." Uncle Tom says sitting up, Aunty Allison comes flying in as well but she's more better at flying than Chris is. "Since when can you fly?" Mommy asks, Aunty Allison lands and sighs, "Since I died, I got these things but decided not to tell anyone to not make Alice more pissed at me then she already was." She says and helps Uncle Tom up. "That seems like a good reason." Mommy says.

Mommy puts me down and I rush over to Chris while the adults are talking.

"Mom is teaching me how to fly! Isn't that cool?!" Chris says his tail wagging I nod "Mhm! That's real cool!" I smile. Me and Chris walk up to Uncle Boris to talk to him since your mommies and daddy's are busy.

"Uncle Boris, are you scared of me?" I ask, he looks and me and smiles. "No, I'm not scared of you sweetie! I just was a bit shaken! That's all!" He says and pats my head. I smile and wag my tail, I LOVE that!

"Uncle B! What do you think of my wings?! Their super cool right?!" Chris says flapping his wings, Uncle Boris nods "Mhm! I've never seen angel wings before, that's real cool!" He says ruffling his hair.

"C'mon Chris, let's go! Your father and I have a few ideas to help you learn to fly!" Aunty Allison says and I say goodbye to Chris and they leave. After I wave goodbye I walk to Mommy and Daddy to see what they're talking about.

"Do you think she'll be able to bend the ink at her will now? Just like before?"

"I don't know Sammy, let's hope not but if she does, it shouldn't be too much of a problem... She's only a child, there's nothing she wants from the other creators..."


"Bendy...Whatever happened to Joey?"


"Who's Joey Daddy?" I ask Mommy and Daddy jump at my sudden apperence. They take a moment before Daddy responds.

"Sammy, go back to the Music Department while I explain to her who Joey is." Mommy nods and waves goodbye and leaves. Daddy sits down now being as tall as me.

"Joey, Heather is a TERRIBLE person, I never want you to met him, EVER." He says "But why? Why is he bad?" I ask "He did terrible things to us... So many terrible things...." Daddy says.

"Why would he do that? Why didn't he love you like everyone else?" I ask, Daddy hesitates before answering. "Heather... Not... Not everyone loves me, some people... They... They hate me." He says.

I hug Daddy and bury my face in his chest, "Nobody should hate you! Your a good demon! I love you!" I say Daddy hugs me back, "I know you do, let's go back to your mom okay?" He says I nod and he teleports us back.

But I'm still thinking about one thing.....

Who IS Joey?

Why does Daddy not like him?

What did Joey do?

Why can't I met Joey?

Why did Mommy say "Whatever happened to Joey?" Did something go wrong?

I-I'll find out! I always do! I'll have Chris help me! And we'll figure out who Joey is! And my questions will be answered! Yeah! THATS WHAT IM GONNA DO!
Me: Heather got curious

Henry: She is NOT going to learn what Joey did!

Me: Other people didn't want you to know never stopped you now did it?

Henry: ....

Me: That's what I thought Stein, anyways, goodbye guys! I'll see you next chapter!

That Annoying Prophet I love so much Pt. 2: Little demon child Where stories live. Discover now