Xing: She pouts and sticks out her tongue. "Why do you have to be so mean Zee."

Zee: He ruffles her hair and laughs. "Because you always react like this, it's cute."

Xing: "I think you have a sister complex, it's weird. Go make fun of someone else."

Tul: Laughing at how cute they were being. "Uh guys I'm still here." I look over at Zee as we all gather our food. "I'm glad you decided to come to school today, I was worried you know..."

Zee: He shakes his head and starts to laugh as we all head for the table. "I keep telling you that you have no reason to worry about me, I know how to take care of myself. I just lost control of myself yesterday."

Tul: *sigh*. "Did you take your medication yesterday?"


Xing: She smacks Zee's shoulder and looks angry. "Zee you need to take your medications. How many times have we told you not to skip them. There important, we don't need you losing control again. Don't you remember what happened a year ago? It took us 5 months to clean up your mess and cover your tracks. The VHO was furious with you."

Zee: He sighs as he plays with his food and glances up at us. "I know that I should but I don't like taking it. They make me feel weird and less human. I don't like it."

Xing: "I don't care what you like, ill shove those pills down your throat if I have to.."

At that our little group grew silent and we all just ate while thinking about what we were talking about.

When Zee was younger he lost control of his emotions and basically went on a killing spree. Before we were able to find him he had already killed 6 people. After that we found out that he was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. Sadly his was slightly more extreme than most people. The last time he had stopped taking his pills for 2 weeks he ended up mass murdering an entire town on the edge of the city. Don't get me wrong, most of those people were vampires but a good amount of those people were also human. After that little stunt, our maid basically crushed up his medicine and put it into his food to make sure that he would be getting a double dose because he would always refuse to take any more than a normal person would.

That's why were so worried when he doesn't come home because he doesn't eat and if he doesn't eat then he doesn't take his medication and we just don't need to deal with another situation any time soon. Don't get me wrong, the majority of the time he is himself but when that switch flips he turns into a psycho path.

We just want to protect him...

With a sigh, Zee stands up and looks at us sadly before walking away shaking his head.

Shit now I feel like a shitty friend. I don't like going off on him but what else am I supposed to do?

Xing: She looks over at me and rubs my back. "Don't over think, he just needs to be alone. Give him some time, you know he gets upset every time we bring up his medication."

Tul: I nod my head even though I still feel like shit. "Your right... Come on lets go to class."

I pick up my tray and grab her hand as we dump our food and head for our first class. 

On our way down the hall somebody bumps into me and I look over. My eyes are met by the beautifully chocolate colored eyes of Max and I suck in a breathe.

Completely forgetting about Xing, I drop her hand and follow the boy into the classroom. He smelled like coconut and I found it alluring. If you asked me now why I felt so drawn to him, I wouldn't be able to answer you...

Not really understand what I was doing until it was too late but I pulled out the seat next to Max and sat down.

Tul: I lean on one arm as I look at him with a smile. "Good morning Max, where you in a rush this morning?"

Max: He glances at me out of the corner of his eye as he pulls out his work. "Kind of, sorry for bumping into you earlier. Isnt your seat over there though, I can feel Xing staring a hole into my head from here."

Tul: I can feel a laugh coming up as I glance over at Xing and of course, there she was glaring at me with jealously. "Don't worry about it, I want to sit here for today. Is that okay?"

Max: He looks at me completely now with a look of shock. "Are you being serious?"

Tul: I am totally going to get bitched out later by Xing, so I might as well make this worth it. "Yea, I was wondering if we could get to know each other."

Max: "Why?"

Tul: I decided to tell the truth. "You seem interesting."

Max: Looking down at his paper as he whispers. "Sometimes being interesting isn't a good thing."

Tul: I face the board as our teacher walks in and pull out my stuff. "It's always good."

With that his face turns red and looks down at his paper without another word.


At that moment my thoughts from this morning had come back and I could feel myself slowly getting hard again.

This cannot be happening right now!

I rest my head on one of my hands to try and block my face from his view as I curse myself silently. I really hope this goes away soon. Most of all, I hope he didn't notice...

I close my eyes as the teacher talks and think about what I was fantasizing about.

Max slammed up against my shower wall with me holding him close to me as I leave a trail of hickeys down his neck with his fingers tangled in my hair moaning to my kisses.

I mentally slap myself.

What the fuck is wrong with me...

Cruel Reality (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now