Tired pt.2 (John Mulaney)

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Request by lukes_betch

They were in the living room, sitting on the floor.

Y/n chuckled.
"You're really terrible at this"

"I know!" He laughed "I don't know why we ever thought it would be a good idea"

John took another cotton pad, wet with alcohol, and removed the nail polish from her nails for the billionth time, putting it in the pile of used ones that was beside him.

"Ok, let's try again" he sighed.

"Do you want me to show you how to do it?"

"No, I can do it!"

He took the small brush, dipping it in the black fluid, and as he was about to paint her thumb's nail, he stopped.

"...Ok, I can't" he said, giving the brush to y/n "Show me, master"

Y/n giggled, and took it.
"It's easy. Look"

She put it closer to her nail, and with a quick movement, she painted it flawlessly.

"Oh wow... you're really great at this!"

"Well, I've been doing it for a long time, you know? Now try again" she smiled, giving it back to him.


He sighed, and with a very concentrated look, tried to do the same.
This time, he didn't touch the skin.
It still looked a bit 'wobbly', tho.

"Hey! That's much better! Good job!"

"I'm amazing!" he cheered, raising his fists in the air.

"Ok, now you only have to do it nine times more" she giggled.

"...Oh ...right"

A few minutes later, after a couple more screw-ups, John was finally done with the nail polish.

Y/n looked at her hands, smiling.
"Well, this looks pretty good! I was excpecting it to be a lot worse, if I have to be honest" she giggled.

"Yeah, me too" he chuckled, putting all the stuff away and sitting back beside her "So... any ideas on what we could do next?"

"Ehm... I don't know..."

"Oh, come on! There must be something you really want to do!"

"No, I don't think so" she smiled, embarassed "I-I mean, I don't actually spend much time doing stuff for myself or my body, so... I don't know! Do you have any?"

John thought for a moment.
"We could listen to some music" he proposed.

"Really? I-I mean, I'd love that, but I don't think you'd like what I usually listen to..."

"Well, let's try! Maybe I will!"

"Ok then" she smiled.

She got up, and walked towards the small stereo beside the tv, connecting it to her phone with her charger's cable.

"So... I listen to a lot of different stuff, do you have any preferences?"

"Y/n, we're doing this for you, put whatever you want to listen to"

"B-but what if you don't like it?" she said, worried.

"It doesn't matter what I think about it, the important thing is you have a good time" he softly smiled.

"...Ok, then" she said, blushing and immediately turning around so that he couldn't see it.

She went through her playlists, and chose the one with the more calm songs, not feeling really in the mood for something too heavy.

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