Never Too Soon (Bill Hader)

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Y/n was backstage, waiting for the cold open sketch to end.

It wasn't her first time on that stage, but she still felt the anxiety grow inside her.

She felt so scared.

"You'll fuck it up, as always" her brain told her "They all will laugh at you"

She started feeling dizzy, as a strong headache took her, making her head spin.

She felt vomit run up her throat.

Y/n ran down the corridor, as her friends and colleagues looked at her, worried.

"Y/n, what is it?" she heard Andy ask her, concearned, as she entered the bathroom.

She bursted into the first stall, getting down on her knees.

She put her hands on the toilet seat, that luckily for her was clean, and threw up.

It felt like hours, even thought it was only a couple minutes.

The puke kept on coming out, even though she hadn't eaten much. She felt her stomach writhe, as the yellow-ish liquid ran out of her mouth.

With every flow, she could feel her throat burn more, clutching inside her neck.

She couldn't breathe. The only thing that could find it's way through her body was puke.

From outside the bathroom, she could hear voices calling her name.

She could feel their concearn, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Your a fucking disappointment" her brain told her "Just kill yourself"

Tears started slowly running down her cheeks, in a mix of pain and stress.

Finally, someone came in.

"Y/n!" she heard him call her.

She kept on throwing up, but this time, someone's hand rested on her back, and another one held her hair.

Looking up for a brief moment, before puking again, she saw who it was.


"It's alright, it's all alright..." she heard him whisper, softly rubbing her back, as she coughed.

Y/n finally felt her stomach settle down,  as she breathed deeply, bringing air to her lungs.

She cleaned her mouth with her shaking hand, sitting down on the cold floor of the bathroom.

She rested her back on the stall's side, closing her eyes, as she brought her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

It was finally over.

Bill sat next to her, shyly putting his hand on her knee.

She turned around to look at him, slowly opening her eyes again.

"Feeling better?" he said softly, still worried.

"Yeah... I think so" she nodded slightly, with the energies that she had left.
"Aren't you supposed to be on stage?..."

"Seth told Lorne about what happened, and they decided to stop the rehearsal. We'll continue later"

"Oh, no... no, no, you gotta go on! Don't stop because of me, I... there's no need to-

"Y/n, calm down" he said, taking her hand in his "It's alright"

"No, it's not... it's all my fault, I-

"Y/n, please, you're spiraling. Breathe"

Y/n took a deep breath, trying to calm down. She felt so stupid.

"It's ok, really... we don't mind" he smiled soflty "...We can wait"

Y/n blushed, feeling his other hand on her cheek, as he dried her tears off with his thumb.

Suddently, all the stress and the bad thoughts were gone.

She felt melting under his gaze.

"...How are you feeling?"

"B-better, I think... thanks..." she smiled shyly.

Someone else entered the room, probably someone who hadn't heard about her conditions.

Very calmly, Bill looked up, and coughed, catching the woman's attention.

"Excuse me, could you..." he said gently, implying that she would have had to use another bathroom.

"Oh, sure... sorry" the woman nodded, leaving them alone again.

"Bill, thanks, really... but you don't have to stay here, if you don't want to..."

"Y/n, I do wanna stay here, ok?" he smiled, slightly squeezing her hand
"I'll stay until you feel better"

She blushed, and looked down at the floor. He was always so nice to her, so understanding...

"Listen, y/n... I know this might not be the best time to tell you this, but I really have to get it off my chest..." he said shyly.

"S-sure... tell me" she stuttered, looking confused at him.

"...We've known each other for quite a long time, now... and I'm starting to realize how much I care about you... and how much I want you to be ok, to feel loved..."

Bill took a deep breath.

"What I'm trying to say is... I know you probably see me as a friend and nothing more than that, but I think I feel more than friendship for you... I realized that I don't just want you to be happy... I want you to be happy with... me"

He blushed, looking away.

"...A-and I know you don't feel the same or anything, and that it's probably weird of me to say this... but I couldn't keep it inside anymore, so..."

He stared at the floor.

"...That's it, I just felt like it'd be better if I told you already..."

He was about to leave, when she put her hands on his cheeks, turning him around to look at his ocean eyes.

Bill stared at her, confused.

"You're so naive" she smiled, feeling his jawline with her thumbs.

He was about to ask her what she meant with that, but she was already kissing him, by then.

In shock, he stayed still.
Was it even really happening?

Then, as he realized he wasn't dreaming, he closed them and kissed her back, smiling.

Her lips were so warm and soft.

As they disconnected, slowly, she rested her forehead on his, giggling.

"I can't belive you waited until I felt sick to tell me"

"Well, it wasn't intentional" he smirked.

"I must taste so awful, I'm sorry..." she laughed, embarassed.

"Don't worry, I don't care" he smiled, softly resting his hand on the one she  had on his cheek.

She blushed, smiling back at him.
"I'm so glad you told me"

"Yeah... I am too"

He kissed her again, resting his other hand on her thigh and gently caressing it.

She smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck, as she got closer to him.

"Is it too soon to say I love you?" He whispered, breathless.

"No, it isn't" she giggled, staring in his eyes.

"Then... I love you, y/n" he smiled.

"I love you too, Bill"

A/N :/
Hey guys!
As I promised, I came back to the fluffy oneshots ;)
For all the ones that liked the other ones too, don't worry, I'll do both.
Anyway, I hope y'all Bill Hader stans like it :)


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