Writing (John Mulaney)

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"Hey" y/n smiled, entering John's office.

"Oh, hi! What's up?"

"I, ehm... I was wondering if you could help me with this sketch I'm writing... are you busy right now?"

John looked at the empty page on his laptop, and turned back to her.
"No, not really... come in!"

"Thanks" she said shyly, sitting down on his office's old sofa.

She looked around.

The room was small and not very decorated, except for some posters on the white-ish walls. The carpet was of a weird shade of green, and the small desk, placed at the end of it, had surely been put there a long time ago.

It wasn't really the nicest of the offices in the building, but it had a window, behind the desk, from where you could see the rest of Manhattan, and it was really beautiful at night.

"So, what is it?... y/n?"

"O-oh, right, yes, sorry..."

"...And then Bill would go 'No, that's not my cat! That's a horse!'" John said, terribly imitating Bill's voice.

"Yes! That's excactly what I was thinking" y/n laughed "...wait, I'll write that down..."

She typed on her laptop, quickly running her fingers on the black keyboard.

John stared at her for a moment, softly smiling, and scratched his neck, looking back down at his desk.

Her laugh was so beautiful...
It could fill up a room, make everything better... and yet, it made him feel sad... nostalgic...

It made him remember how he felt about her, and it hurted, because he knew she didn't like him back.

She was just playing with his feelings. His obvious, stupid feelings, that he had never been good at hiding.

Or maybe...

"Y/n... can I ask you something?"

"Oh, sure! What's up?"

"...Why did you come here?"

"W-what do you mean?" She said, confused.

"...Why did you come in my office? Why did you come to ask for my help?"

"...Because I needed advice on-

"Yeah, but why me? I mean, there's Cecily, there's Andy... why me?"

"...I-I..." she stuttered "...I don't know... I guess I just... like spending time with you..."

She started playing with the end of her shirt, feeling its fabric between her fingers.

She was so nervous...
Why was he asking all those questions, all of a sudden.

"Oh, ok I-

"I lied" she quickly admitted "...I know why..."

"...What is it, then?"

Was she really going to tell him?
It was so obvious to anyone else... did he really still not get it? She had been acting weird around him for months...

Or maybe he was faking it. Maybe he already knew, but was trying to make sure he was right...

But she knew he wouldn't have liked her back anyway, so... why wait?
At least she would have gotten rid of it, if he had rejected her, and moved on.

"...It's because I like you" she confessed, looking away.

The uncomfortable silence that had fallen on them creeped her out. The few seconds that passed felt like eternity, to her.

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