The Coffee Girl (Andy Samberg)

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Y/n entered the diner, saying hi to Matt, her best friend and coworker.

"Hey girllllll!"

"Hi, Matt" she smiled.

"Slept well?"

"Not really..."

"Oh... well, I'll make you a coffe, then. Gotta start the shift well!"

"Thanks, dude. I really need it"

She went behind the counter, putting her apron on, as the first clients entered.

She forced a smile on her face.

"Hi, welcome to Ronnie's! What can I get you?"

She sighed.

"Tired?" said Matt.

It was almost eleven p.m.

The diner was almost empty, except for a couple of eight graders, that were taking their parent's "be home by 12" very seriously.

An hour and she was free to go, finally.

"Why don't you go home, y/n? I can finish your shift, girl" he proposed, smiling friendly.

"No...I'm fine..."she said, cleaning some glasses.

"Ok... but tell me if you need anything" he said, going back in the kitchen.

She did feel tired, but she needed the money.

She rubbed her eyes, hearing the bell ding, as the door opened. Three guys walked in, sitting on a table near by.

Y/n sighed, forcing a smile to grow on her face, and approached them, with a notepad in her hand.

"Hi, welcome to Ronnie's... what can I get..."

She stopped.

In front of her, stood a cute tall guy, with brown, crazy hair and deep hazelnut eyes.


The guy in front of him started ordering.

-...and some fries, thanks... miss?"

"O-oh, I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry" said the hazel-eyes guy "...he said that we'd like some coffee and three hamburgers with fries".

He smiled, making her blush.

"O-ok... it should be a couple minutes" she quickly said, shuffling away with the order.

"Dude... she totally likes you!" whispered the guy next to him.

"What? No, she doesn't..."

"Come on, man! It's obvious! John is right, she's into you"

"Colin! You too? Stop it, guys. It's not like every girl we meet likes me!" He said, looking at her, as she made the coffee.

"... but you like her, don't you" John smirked.

"" said Andy

"Oh my Goood! Andy likes the coffee girl!"

"You'll be so cute, together" he smirked, again.

"Heck yeah, they will!" Colin laughed, high fiving him.

"Guys! Stop..."

"Ok, ok, sorry... but she is pretty, you can't deny that"

"...yeah, she is..." he said, smiling at her.

She turned around, and saw him, blushing, as she smiled back.

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