Chapter 15 Louis Nightmare and Amanda is asking him to join her party!

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Louis P.O.V.

I woke up covered in sweat and looked around my room. I had a really bad nightmare. I was dreaming that Amanda was being hold down by our mom and forced to watch what dad was doing to me and after that he was going for her. I didn’t like it one bit. I hated when dad was raping me or whatever he was doing to me. I lay back down again. I felt asleep again but was soon to wake up again it was Amanda shaking me to wake up. I sat up right and I she was a little bit chocked when I just put my arms around her and put her in my lap and just gave her a big hug and put her into me. I was wounding if I had talked in my sleep or something. I really missed her just to be like this. After we had sat like that  for a while I was lying down again and Amanda was right beside me I wrapped my arm around her and put her really close to me and I was hiding my face in her neck. I am NOT in love with her but she is my sister and I just had a bad nightmare with her in it I didn’t like it. She turned around and looked at me and asked if I wanted to come to a party she was having and I said yes I could use some time were I was carefree as she said she missed. She told me it was her way to say sorry to me for all her behaving she had done to me in the past she was crying and I just lazily hold her into me. I kissed her head and told her that I loved her no matter what she had done or was going to do. I didn’t care as long she was happy. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and just hold on to me once again. I told her that I was coming to that party but we had to be quite about it or Tas is going to kill us so we decided that it was for the best. Just like old times. GOD I miss those times. Why did mom and dad have to destroy us and espeasally Amanda? God I hated them I am happy that tas kicked the out. I was really safe right now I just wish I could have a boyfriend that would love me and accept my family as it was right now.  I just wish that I made a plan. If I didn’t get a boyfriend in for a year I would end my life I really hated it. And I made a plan that I will cut so deep that I would bleed to death and I wont be home to do it but I will not tell anyone. I will give my plan a year and if I didn’t have a boyfriend in for a year then it was goodbye life and family and everything.

Written By Tashamus

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