A/N (Please read it)

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Hi ya!

So I just figured I'd start this and say that, well, obviously this isn't the most original story out there. I have read several that are like this, but I'm bad at coming up with ideas. I wanted to write one of these and put my own spin on it.

Now, I know your wondering what version of Newsies lore this is. The characters are based off of both the musical and the movie. Personally I like the characters from the movie a bit more because you get to see more of their personality (I still love the actors from the musical so don't worry). The way I picture the characters are from the movie. BUT. I'm not going to be going to far into characters description. I will not tell you how to imagine your Newsies.

Obviously some characters are only from the musical or the movie so they stay the same.

Now again I don't care how you imagine your Newsies. I am simply telling you how I imagine mine.

I know that the title says that the book is Javid and Sprace, because it is. But. It's mostly Javid. I do plan on coming out with a Sprace story at some point. There is quite a bit of Sprace, but this story is mostly centered around Davey, therefore it's mostly centered around Javid. There are quite a few parts from Race's perspective though, but sometimes I'm unsure how to fit them into the story with my pacing and chapter length.

Here's how old the Newsies are +year in high school

Seniors- Sarah (17), Katherine(17)

Juniors- Spot (17 august birthday),Race (16), Jack(16), David(16), Finch(16), Romeo(16), Albert and Elmer(16), Specs(16), Sniper(16), Kid Blink(16), Mush(16), Boots (16), Skittery(16)

Sophomores- Crutchie(15), Smalls(15)

Freshman- Les(14)


(Also sorry if there are typos, I'm a terrible speller)

I just wanted to share that I was reading another Newsies High School Au, and they had a journalism class. Instead of like making Denton the teacher THEY MADE UP A WHOLE NEW GUY. NEWSIES FICS ALWAYS SLEEP ON DENTON.

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