• Chapter Three •

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Bright and early the next morning Kennedy and Sage dropped their children off home, knowing Winter wouldn't appreciate being stuffed inside a car, pressed to the door beside two teens he didn't know. "Drive safe" Cora called from the snowy porch, Ezra beside them as they watched their parents roll off to town.

"This might be hell" Cora sighed, turning to their brother. Ezra crossed his arms, "what if he kills us in his sleep, or something?" He worried, chewing his lip. Cora chuckled, "you've been watching too much horror. Even if he wanted to, with one braincell he knew he'd never be able to get away with it. Plus why would he throw away a chance at shelter? At least he won't freeze again for a few months" they explained with a shrug, Ezra sighed but accepted their reasoning, following them inside their home. 

"What should we do to, you know, prepare?" Ezra bit the end of his sleeve, Cora hummed and faced him, cocking their head in thought. "Let's fix up the guest room. Right now it looks suitable for a grandma" they drawled and Ezra silently agreed, following them up the stairs and into the bedroom furthest down the hall.

It was around the same size as all the other bedrooms. Their dad's was the biggest but that was to be expected. A double twin bed sat in the middle of the room with two white bedside tables. The walls were beige with one framed photo hanging on the right. It was a simplistic painting of the ocean, prettier from afar, in the teenagers opinion.

The only other thing was a wardrobe built into the wall, upon opening they discovered it was empty save a few coat hangers.

"Well..shit" Cora sighed, "he's not going to have anything to wear"

Ezra pushed his lips to the side, "we could... loan some of our own? He seems our size" he offered with a shrug, Cora smiled and agreed. "Sure! I've been meaning to clean out my stuff for awhile, hope he likes alt outfits" they chuckled, shooing out the room and into their own. Ezra followed, sitting on their bed and watching them rifle through their collection of clothes.

"This won't... change anything, will it?" Ezra fretted. Cora paused, halfway glancing to their brother. "What do you mean?" They spoke gently, but knew the answer already. Once it was discovered in their high school they were adopted the bullies ran a mile with it - unable to stop reminding Ezra every day he'd be sent back for one reason or another. He's too annoying, too ugly, too boring, won't ever make their parents proud, anything someone could think of they've probably said it.

No matter how many times Cora begs to tell their parents Ezra declines. Insists he'll tell them himself but Cora wasn't so sure. Still, they didn't want to dishonour the promise they made to him, so they kept quiet.

"You know- dad always says how they only wanted two kids and..."

"Ezra" Cora sighed once he trailed off, taking a seat beside him. "If they really had troubles handling another kid they'd send him away, not you. We've been with them since we were babies! And that Winter guy is just a.. a prick. It's certainly not financially they'll struggle anyway, so don't worry, nothing is out of their control" they promised strongly, Ezra finally let out relief, shoulders slumping.

A watery chuckle escaped his lips, "for the older brother I sure act like a baby..."

Cora grinned, nudging their shoulder to his. "I'll always see you as my older brother, dork, we all need reassuring... even dad and dad from time to time. I mean, remember when I didn't call them dad for years? And we overheard them panicking to Xai and Dallas, wondering what they did wrong?" They both laughed fondly at the memory, "I didn't even realise it meant so much to them! But the first time I called them dad, Jesus, it were as if a genie told them, 'you know what? You can have infinite wishes! Go wild!', so.. you see what I mean?" Cora smiled gently at their brother.

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