"Leave!" He then yells at her. His words echoing inside the Throne room as if it were an object that bounces from one wall over to the next and to the floor and the ceiling and just about everyone, even inside her head and his voice would remain in her memory. The girl had been terrified and as she had run out of the Throne room, nearly falling while doing so and going back to her room, she found herself scared of falling asleep in the evening. Isolde never found out what her father had wanted that day but that day would always be alive inside her memories.

She was forced to kneel before her father for a reason that she did not know but she never asked why he did it and she never told anyone about it either. It seems that even her own mother had no clue about what happened and even if she did, she did not say anything. Her mother had stayed with her nearly every moment of her illness, not caring that she could get sick too. The Queen stayed with her youngest child as much as she did and prayed every single day for her little girl.

Some had believed that Isolde was dying and that her body was so young to fight the illness which had struck her, even the healers which came from across the kingdom had told the King and Queen that she was dying but after two weeks of being stuck in bed, on the verge of death she started to get better. Her heart beat fast and strong and in a week she was back to the one that she once was. Many believed it to be a miracle.

That God had blessed her for He does favor Royals better for he has a plan for them. He always has a plan for those of Royal birth for He is the one that put them on the earth and He is the one that chose their destinies. It was celebrated that Isolde was still alive and was as healthy as ever. Still Isolde could never remember the two weeks during her illness and she can barely remember the week she was recovering for but she can remember what had happened with her father in the Throne room that day.

And now as Isolde lies on a bed with a healer tending to her, knowing that she is on the verge of death. Her unconscious state does not help as the people of Poseidon's kingdom have started to pray for her to live. She is their rightful Queen and they pray that this will not take her away from them before she even has the chance to actually become the Queen of the ocean and rule with their King like she is meant to. They pray for a miracle but one can only have so many miracles in one's life.

Perhaps God only intended for her to live that time and she did not have another miracle from Him but one never knows. Isolde's body is starting to grow colder and colder despite the warmth in the water around her which should warm her up yet her body doesn't seem to want to accept the warmth. Her skin is becoming so pale and so sickly looking as she is slowly and painfully dying right there with only one person who can save her. The Princess' life is in his hands alone, whether she lives or she dies. It all falls down to Poseidon.

When Isolde had been ten years old she learned that not all men are what she thought they were. Of course the girl knew about how terrified her father could become at times but he was the King and her scholars as well as her mother had told her that being King is hard for him and often anger and cruelty is the way that he lets out what is inside. Still, Isolde can remember the time that she was nearly taken advantage of at only ten years of age, too young to know what was about to happen.

It was an ordinary for her. The Princess had woken up and she had been bathed and dressed before she had walked with Elizabeth to breakfast. The two of them held each other's hand which was not uncommon for them to do when they were on good terms with one another. People would actually look forward to seeing them holding hand for it meant that there was nothing wicked going to happen and nor plots of pranks swirling in Isolde's mind, and they would often sigh in relief when they were happy together.

Though this morning they walked hand in hand and once they entered the dining room they greeted their parents. Isolde can't remember what was said during breakfast nor can she remember what food they eat. Her memory doesn't pick up on what kind of weather it was outside but neither were children her age thinking of the weather, especially a Princess when she is supposed to attend many lessons with her scholars and it is highly unlikely that she will even be able to attend the outdoor during that time. All the girl can remember is how happy she was at that table.

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