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"The sea is my shelter and the ocean is my salvation"

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"The sea is my shelter and the ocean is my salvation"


The ocean is a force that can bring down the entire world if the rage grows enough. The King is the only one that can control the rage and prevent the destruction of the world. However, Poseidon was never supposed to be alone in that. There was always meant to be another one that would be able to control the ocean and keep he world balanced. That someone would be his soulmate, his world, his everything. She would be his Queen and his other half. With her by his side, the ocean and the world would be safe and secure.

As well as his heart and soul. The mortals have always believed their Gods do not have souls, that they only exists for what they were meant to do. Isolde was supposed to be his heart, and the mortals would have worshipped her like the Queen that she was. The King has lost a part of his soul and for the first time in his life, he feels actual pain. The one that he had when he took hers away was nothing compared to how he feels now. The pain now is worse than anything and the ocean feels it as well.

Corals have started to slowly decay as the bottom of the ocean is dying out. The storms continue to rage on. Rain is heavy on the world and soon it will drown in the watery death from the ocean. His feelings are a direct connection to the things that happen in the world. And perhaps that was always what the dark cloud o0f death was supposed to do. Make the King and his subjects lose hope on life and they will die until the ocean is nothing but a wasteland. The kingdom would be gone and the King along with it. And so would the world.

Poseidon sits on his throne and stares down at the ground. Right in the spot where his Trident would come from the floor. He had put it back, but the energy he can still feel. Calling out to him to hold in his hands. There is a reason for why he hides it away. The power that single Trident holds is too great to fall in enemies hands, but also because he will want to use it. Feel compelled to use that power each and every day and that is far too much for the world to handle.

There is a reason for why his will is strong, but sometimes magic. Especially magical objects are capable of controlling their master. At some level. The Trident is one of the most powerful objects in the world and it can go rouge. Hiding it from anyone, even himself at times, is the best course of action. Yet, even with all that magic and power, Poseidon was unable to save the one person that mattered the most. As well as countless of others that died in his name, for his kingdom and his life in the world.

The ocean nymph had fallen as well, she might not have respected him as her King but she had fought for him and his Queen. Ahmeya did right by her kingdom, even when she never agreed with her King. She did not die for him. That Poseidon knows very well. That single girl, that nymph had died for her friend and her Queen and for the future of Isolde. And still, her sacrifice was for nothing. The Queen had fallen as well. Both friends had died on that battlefield, close by each other, and yet so far away.

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