"Oh that bastard." He groans.

"What do you have against him? He's a great person." I say defensively.

"Nothing just I would have been way better for John than him, He never treated John right. He would always get mad when John tried to help him and you know he cheated on him, with Eliza Schuyler. I heard she was supposed to die a couple of years ago but didn't. Oh this is my stop." He says and get up to walk off the bus.

Wait when did Pa cheat? Does dad know about this? I can't believe this. How much have they not told me?

*The next day*

I get back from George's place around 1pm. Dad and Pa are sitting on the couch watching Sherlock but Pa's on his phone. "Isn't he so adorable?! I love Benedict Cumberbatch so freaking much, he's so cute!" Dad say.

"Uh hi, I'm you're husband!" Pa replies.

"Right and you don't have a crush on Andy Samberg?" Dad says.

"Uh hey I'm back" I say walking up to my room to put my stuff away then coming back down.

"Hey did you have fun?" Dad asks winking.

"Not as much as you guys I'm sure." I reply and they both go a little red. "Actually I ran into one of your old friends, Samuel Seabury..." I say.

"Ugh that guy. He was way to obsessed with me it was so annoying and Laf kept setting me up with him." Dad scoffs.

"Yeah and he kissed you right in front of me I pretty sure he still hates me for marrying you." Pa adds.

"Yeah well he told me he hated you, he also told me you cheated on Dad with Eliza. Is that true?" I ask and they both stay silent for a minute.

"You know how Eliza's sick? Well part of that affects her actions and emotions and so she kissed Alex and of course we didn't know this at the time, neither did she so we hated her for awhile, but it wasn't hers or Alex's fault ok?" Dad explains.

"What else are you guys keeping from me?!" I almost yell.

"Pip... You know a lot more about you're parents and their relationship than most people. We don't need to tell you everything. We've both had a lot of....drama in our lives and you don't need It in yours" Pa says.

"But Lin knows all about Laf and Herc's Relationship." I say. Me and Lin are friends, mainly because his dads are my uncles but ya know he's pretty chill.

"That's because their relationship was got drunk, hooked up, started dating, got married. It was so much similar for them I mean Laf's gone through some bad shit back other than that it was simple for them for us it's a lot more complicated" Dad says calmly.

"yeah but I still wanna know. I mean what if I say something I should by accident." I beg.

"Alright you really wanna know everything?" I nod. "Okay well I guess I'll tell you about Alex and he can tell you about me...." Dad says.

"So as you know he's from the Caribbean. When he was 10 his dad left as you know and when he was 12 his mum died of a sickness they both had. He and his brother moved in with their cousin until his brother died in a hurricane so he moved to America where he lived with his aunt. Is Cousin soon committed suicide then his aunt died in a car crash. We moved in with a professor who looked after us. Then he also got kidnapped, blackmailed and rapped but Charles lee. He jumped off a hospital roof building but Laf caught him. He did self harm for a little bit. uhh I think that's it....." Dad says and I stand there in shock. I knew his dad had left. I knew his mother had died I just didn't know how or about the rest of the family or Charles Lee thing.

"John. He's from south Carolina. His mum died when he was 8 and his dad turned into a drunk and abused him and his siblings. He jumped off his balcony when he was 16 but his brother caught him. He was in a toxic relationship with Charles Lee who Physically, Sexually and Verbally abused him. Later his dad found him in collage and stabbed him then in the hospital tried to kill him with a lead pipe or something. He's been blackmailed multiple times by Charles Lee. He was kidnapped. He slit his wrists which got him in hospital half dead. He fully died at one point but was then resuscitated. He also tried to slit his wrists when he got a card from his dad and Charles. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's all." Pa says.

"I-I... " I don't even know what to say. This Is so weird.

"You ok Philip? I know it's a lot to take in." Dad says.

"How the fuck did y'all dead with all that?" I ask.

"Alcohol and sex." Pa says simply.

"So y'all went though all that shit with no parents or therapy or anything?" I ask again still in shock.

"Nah but the teacher we stayed with is like out dad. You should meet him one time." Pa says. We get lunch and dad keeps watching Sherlock, I half watch half look on my phone and Pa's just given up on any chances of and new show.

A/N Sorry this took so long. Yesterday I was busy and today my fam came down so I had to play with my younger cousins and I've been up since 6:30am and it's currently 12:38am and I want to die.

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