Taking Flight: Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

Ulan was cut off by his father laughing a joyful, throaty laugh. Ulan blinked in confusion, nervous as an alley cat, and his mother just smiled and chuckled alongside his father. Ulan's father calmed himself and stepped over to his son, taking a seat next to him. His mother made the same move on the other side.

"My son," Ulan's father said gingerly. "We have always been happy to have you, and always been proud of you. For a long time, I thought I would always need to be there, and feared for when I might not be, what may happen."

"Son, we know you have many difficulties," Ulan's mother said, draping a wing over him. "That is why we always wanted to be extra careful for so long. But you are strong!"

"So strong!" Ulan's father practically roared. "You proved every time, no matter how much harder it is for you, you work hard, and you come out on top. You put in the extra effort."

"Ma, Da-" Ulan felt strange tears come to his eyes.

"My son, we were always happy to have you here as long as it made you happy. It was never because we wanted to baby you." Ulan's mother nuzzled his cheek. "If you wish to adventure, you should go adventure! We know you are capable, you will be safe. You make even more money than we do!" She laughed heartily, and Ulan nuzzled back into her.

"You have accomplished what every father wants, my son. You have become more successful than me, you are more secure than me. Any futures after that, you can make even better than that. You have, more than ten times over, earned our support to go out and explore the world."

"As long as you promise to write to us often!"

"Ma, Da-" Ulan hiccupped, overwhelmed by the love and support of his parents. He had always thought they were supporting him, keeping him up, but now, he realized, they were simply watching as he built himself. Ulan never even knew that it was always his own strength.

"Please, do stay with us a little longer, we will help you prepare. We are experienced, and it is one last thing we can do for you to make things just a tad easier." Ulan's father pulled his young man closer to whisper, "And I will give you advice on other matters, too-"

"Do not fill my boy's head with filth, khuligan!" Ulan's mother chided. Ulan laughed as he felt her start battering his father with her wing.

"Ah, ah, okay! Just proper manly advice!"

"GENTLEmanly advice!" she ordered. Ulan loved his parents' antics.

"Dah, dah," Ulan's father said. "But truly, I must pass on my wisdom of the world. And perhaps recommend places to see!"

"Okay, okay," Ulan said, feeling himself begin to calm.

For the next several days, Ulan and his family continued working the store just a few more times, dropping the news that he would be going. Ulan let his usual dive know he would be heading out soon to many cheers, and everyone he spoke to was eager to see him soar to new heights. It was a hectic, incredible time.

Then, the day finally came, and Ulan had his things packed with the help of his parents, ready to go. They brought him to the train station, eager to see him off one last time.

"Remember to write!" his mother ordered as she embraced him one more time. "And send pictures! And if you are anywhere for a long time, let me know where to mail things, and-"

"And we will always be in touch, ready to help if needed," Ulan's father cut in. His mother teared up, happy to see her son going places, yet sad to see him go.

Ulan's father walked up to him and stood eye to eye with his son; old, wise, worn eyes to bright, young, eager eyes. Man to man, dragon to dragon, Ulan stuck his talons out for one last proper shake. When Ulan took it, his father pulled him in for one more hug before he went off.

"I am proud of you, my son," he said. "Become the great adventurer. Maybe even a hero! We will always support you, no matter what."

"Thank you, Da," Ulan said. With one last wave goodbye, Ulan boarded the train to who-knew-where and went off into that wild blue yonder called life.

His parents remained on the platform for a time, watching the train go. When it was out of sight, Ulan's father put his arm around his wife and pulled her close.

"You know what they say about the empty nest," he said with a wiggle of his brow.

"Izvrashchenets!" his mother chided playfully, pushing her husband. "At long last, we can have our time again."

The newly-empty-nesters spun around and headed home to begin a new chapter in their own lives, supporting their boy from afar, and spending the remainder of their time basking in success and their ever-burning love for each other.

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