Part 18

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Bryce groaned and cracked her back, sleeping on a couch really did a number on her. She stretched her legs and groaned as she stood up stepping over the sleeping bodies of her friends. As she opened the doors to the dining room she saw a hunched figure at the table.

The person looked up and her blonde hair brushed over her hair as she spoke, " Morning Bryce, your one of the first people to wake up" Aelin ended cheerfully

"Aelin are you delusional how are you so cheery after last night" Bryce was cut short by Aelin

"We can go home" A grin crept onto both the woman's faces as the information was fully processed.

The two ladies waited for the rest of the group to wake up and one by one they did. Eventually everyone was awake so Aelin went right into explaining how get would all get home.

"So we recite the incantation all touch the book at once and we'll be transported, but you must think of a specific place in great detail or you'll just keep falling forever." Aelin looked around the room.


Everyone decided to spend the last day exploring the night court but more specifically Velaris then meet at sundown and leave at midnight. Once everyone was ready to leave they winnowed to the city, Aelin was amazed at the intricate shops and Bruce was looking at tiny designs that made Velaris so unique. 

"How about we split up so we can see the things we like?" Lorcan offered

With mixed receives mainly from Aelin to wanting to accept a good idea from Lorcan they split into groups. Aelin was with Fenrys, Rowan, Manon, Dorian, Rhysand, Amren and Feyre while Elide, Lorcan Mor, Cassian Azriel, Bryce, Lysandra, Aedion and Hunt where together. Aelin ran off to a boutique which sold exquisitedresses with Amren hot on her tail. Soon it was sun down and the group met up at the Sidra carrying bags full of foods and spices, clothes, shoes, weapons, art and jewellery. The mood had dropped considerably since everyone had figured out that their time was coming to leave their new friends, even the usual bickering had come to a stop and silence reigned throughout the whole group. They winnowed back to the House to see an open book laying on the table beckoning almost taunting their limited time before they returned to their kingdoms.

"Well didn't things turn sour" Lysandra huffed "I wanted to spend the rest of the day with fun and drinking, not this" she waved her hand around the room indicating the mood.

Mor stood up and left for a bit but when she's returned she was holding two bottles of wine "who said we couldn't drink" she passed out cups and the wine to everyone. Mor had picked out some of the oldest wine for the occasion and made sure it was strong so they could get as tipsy as possible.


The rest of the night had passed with dancing and drinking until midnight hit and and everyone gathered around the book and Aelin cleared her throat.

"I just want to say thank you to everyone because without you we would've probably been stuck with the ever so grand Tam Tam and I might've committed multiple crimes including murder and arson, so thank you in saving me and everyone else from that fate" she nodded her head towards the Night court who nodded their heads back. She looked around the room and saw tears brimming people's eyes and she couldn't help but she'd a few tears to.

Bryce was the next to speak in their goodbyes " When I arrived I had no idea where the hell we were, you guys are so different from us yet we became such great friends and like Aelin said thank you for stopping my stilettos from becoming a murder weapon but also thank you for allowing us to stay in your home and being such great hosts to all of us" by the end of her little speech tears were flowing down her face and her voice was cracking.

Hunt opened the book to the page and Aelin started the incantation

"To return home
Those not going alone
You are forever bonded
Recite this undaunted
Though clear is not to fear
Home is near"

After she finished a black portal sucked them up and they stared falling like last time. Everyone had their home in mind.

Bryce and Hunt had Jesiba's library in mind right where they where transported from before. Slowly but surely they fell into their own world then into to the library. They looked at each other then the book and finally the time , the time was just as they left like they where here the whole time.

"Well the the world works in mysterious ways Quinlan" Hunt chuckled

"Sure does" Bryce replied


Everyone else was still falling through the black abyss eventually they all landed in the library in Terresan.

"Head count" Fenrys yelled and counted "ok we're all here"

"Shit that was a bumbling ride" Lysandra mumbled.

so that's it I'm sorry it ended abruptly but I kinda lost my motivation and inspiration to write this story but I tried to finish it. I'm thankful for every single reader and I really hoped you enjoyed it.

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