Part 6

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Aelin leaned back in her chair and watched as grown men argued what to do with her and her companions even though she knew she could burn this whole room to cinders without a second thought.

"I vote to lock them up" with that Aelin snapped back to their host who looked smug like he just did something.

"I don't think that would be very wise Tamlin."

Aelin's head cocked to the woman with beautiful tattoos and studied her. She couldn't help but have a feeling of familiarity with the girl and the purple-eyed man next to her. While Aelin was studying the two faces sitting across from her she felt another brush against her mind barrier but this time when she shot up a stronger shield the fae women she was studying flinched and she knew it must be her, she felt for her daggers but noticed they weren't there she reprimanded herself and saw the cutlery knives and decided they would be suitable. She reached for the knives but Rowan squeezed her thigh so she slumped back in her chair and noted in her mind she'll have to get Rowan and that lady back.

The meeting was going smoothly until a red-haired male called Beron said he'd be taking us to the autumn court to be held in custody which was met with most courts objecting. To Aelin the summer court sounded most appealing but she wasn't used to the heat so she didn't want to go, Aelin was sick of them arguing on where her court would be going. Aelin stood up and said in her most commanding voice.

"Since you have been arguing like a bunch of little kids on where WE will be going I have decided I will choose where my court gets to go and the other two will choose where they want to go" without waiting for an answer from the other high lords or her companions she continued "I have chosen to go with the purple eye man since he wasn't arguing about us" in reality she had to get close to that women and then she can decide whether or not it was worth to kill her. In response to her answer, there was a lot of backlash from the courts which was surprising because she could tell the arrogant man the high lord portrayed was only a front, as she had experienced the same thing.


Bryce sat and watched as Aelin made her decision and gave Hunt and her a choice on where to go. Bryce turned to Hunt to ask him where they should go but she already knew they should be sticking together.

"We have made our decision to go with Aelin's group and go with the night court" she racked her brain to the beginning where they introduced themselves and their courts to make sure she had the correct court. After the uproar and Aelin's laughs, the meeting was over and everyone stood up but when suddenly they disappeared in a mist, she was taken aback and noticed the others were as well but it was a different type like they'd seen it before but didn't expect to see it here. As the night court came to us Aelin stood up and looked the High lady in the eye.

"If you ever try anything like that again I definitely won't be lenient, understood."

Bryce looked between the two until the women nodded and Aelin went back to her court to introduce them.

Aelin cleared her throat "This is Aedion my cousin and excellent swordsman, Elide lady of Perranth, these are my cadre Lord Lorcan of Perranth, Fenrys blood sworn and Rowan king consort of Terrasen" a flicker of pain fluttered through the cadre's eyes remembering there fallen brothers but in a blink was gone.

"Next is lady Lysandra of Carraverre, and this is the king of Adarlan and ally of Terassan, behind me is Dorian"

Aelin was going to continue but was interrupted by Manon "I can introduce myself, I am Manon former heir to the Blackbeak clan, queen of the crochan witches" the room visibly stiffed next at the sound of witches.

Byce cleared her throat "Um I'm Bryce Quinlan and this is Hunt Athalar the Umbra Mortis" Bryce noticed the small fae woman eyebrows rise slightly and Hunt's title.

Feyre was the next one to speak "Now behind me is Cassian the general of our armies, Azriel our spymaster, Morrigan our third in command, Amren our second and Rhysand and me, Feyre the high lady and lord of the Night court" suddenly there was a cough from Tamlin who was visibly angry.

"Can we leave this Spring hellhole" aelin muttered, the night court grabbed a person winnowed out of the manor.

Aelin was free-falling, she prepared for impact when someone scooped her up and started flying towards a house. Aelin spotted a cliff edge on the way towards the house and decided to have some fun. She kneed Cassian in the groin causing him to drop her, before he could stop he tumbled onto the balcony to the rest of Aelin's court and the Night court. She latched onto a ledge and started to climb, Aelin was climbing when she heard a screech from a familiar hawk, buzzard she thought. She reached the balcony when she saw Cassian fly off no doubt to look for her. She swung her leg onto the balcony and lifted herself which was a bit harder than usual thanks to climbing half a cliff. She leaned against the railing and saw the Night court pacing thinking no doubt about Aelin's free fall and her court lounging in chairs.

"Thanks for worrying about me but I assure you I'm fine" she picked at her bloodied fingers "oh and you should call your general back he's on a wild goose chase"

"How you fell out of his arms, how are you not dead"

"Well Rhysand you're acting like climbing that cliff was difficult" she smirked

"Even fae can barely climb that cliff the ledges are too small and it's too steep"

"Ah Rhysand well firstly Rowan saw me or did he not tell you, his hawk was flying beside me or you could just try to enter my mind like you mate did but be warned don't get burnt"

It was true he felt Feyre shift under the accusation he hadn't even tried to, he reached out for her mind barrier and was met with pure unforgiving flame. She was right but how did a human have such a barrier he couldn't get near? He turned to Feyre who understood his question and shook her head.

"How do you have such a strong barrier for a human"

"I can't believe you haven't noticed yet but she has" Aelin pointed to Amren who smirked

"Took you long enough see that 'human' is actually fae" Amren began to explain,

"Thanks but I'll take it from here, see in our world fae have two bodies"

She pointed to Rowan who shifted into a hawk then back out and then to Fenrys who shifted into a wolf but stayed and trotted over to Aelin who had taken a seat on a couch.

"My second body is human, which I lost forging a lock along with my well of power but because of your messed up timeline everything is back which I can only guess means our world is quicker than yours"

"What about the rest of them" this time it was Feyre speaking

"The rest of my court don't have second bodies, though dear Lysandra here is a shapeshifter" as a demonstration she shifted into a ghost leopard and also chose to stay in that form as well. Aelin continued.

"My friend here Lorcan" Lorcan turned to her and she waved him off "has been blessed by Hellas himself the dear god of death, elide of Blackbeak descent. Oh my, I forgot my dearest Rowan has wind, ice and the occasional lightning" Aelin noticed Hunt and Bryce sneak a glance at each other but she continued " Fenrys has um what do you guys call it, winnowing that's it and the other two can choose whether or not to share, Aedion Demi fae, and me" there was a flash of light and Aelin continued.

"And I go by many names but my personal favorite, The fire breathing bitch queen" and Aelin lit herself on fire.

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