Part 13

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Ok before we start I'm actually so bloody happy. I'm shocked that it got to 1k reads thanks you everyone I appreciate you all and I want to say thank you thank you thank you for all the support and votes I cannot believe it I'm so happy I can't stop smiling. Aah anyway sorry for the interruption, to the story-

Luck was never on Aelin's side even if she got rid of the gods she was unlucky as ever. Rhysand and Mor winnowed everyone to the Illyrian camps and alerted Devlon of the attack on Velaris. Aelin ran towards the soldiers closely followed by Rowan and Cassian and began shouting orders to the Illyrians.

"Get your arses in the sky for a look out we need to know where the darkness is and how long we have" the Illyrians she pointed at didn't even hesitate at the tone she was using and shot into the sky and back down with a report.

"Roughly 2 miles and the rate it's travelling we have roughly 35 minutes before it hits with the army"

Aelin muttered a very long string of curses under her breath and stormed off into the armoury. When she came out she was in Illyrian leathers made for a child, she had Goldryn striped to her waist and an array of knives and daggers along her torso, legs and arms.

As the time they had left dwindled the rest of her court and friends had donned armour similar to hers with another array of weapons. Rhysand took to the skies and came back to say  that Tamlin's army is approaching the mountain now.


Bryce was replaying what Manon told her last night, to say she was prepared was a massive understatement but she was willing to accept the fact that men were to die today on both sides but she had to play a part in this war and she knew it. A tap on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts, she turned to hunt silently eyes looking at the fast approaching army and she understood that he hated war the last one he participated in need in him being a slave but she also saw his brown eyes accepting this war like she just did. She stood on her tippy tors and kissed his cheek.

"Hunt I love you"

He tuned and returned the kiss muttering the words in her mouth "I love you too"

"I understand you guys love each other but we have a bloody war to get over with so if I could borrow Bryce so she can KILL the high lord that would be greatly appreciated" Manon interrupted

Bruce squeezed Hunts arm and walked over to Manon who was tapping her foot and inspecting her nails

"Let's kill this high lord"

The mountains was deathly silent as the enemy neared closer until all you could get was the running of a creek in the distance. After what felt like years Tamlin's army arrived. You could tell most of the soldiers weren't properly trained by the way they held their weapons but maybe roughly 1500 were properly trained.


Elide could feel the tension even though she was still at the camp ready to help fallen soldiers. She hated not being able to fight but her leg made her unable to go full out and she was glad she could do something to help. Elide froze at the sound of a males yell and pounding on the ground; the battle had began.


Aelin was a whirlwind of limbs and steel she had trained everyday since their previous war just in case another war appeared and let's say she was very glad since the untrained warriors stood no chance. She hasn't even touched her almost endless well of power which whined to be let loose but she knew the surprise Tamlin higher sentries got when she burned them form inside out. Soldier after soldier went down in the distance she heard Lysandra's growl as a puny scream followed, she also heard the snarl of Fenrys's white wolf. She continued her path of death until she heard a horn and noticed the soldiers retreating for the first time in the day Aelin's stopped she noticed that the moon was coming up behind the mountain. Panting aelin trudged up to the Illyrian camp. From the mountain she could see Tamlin's camp and also the dead bodies littered across the mud. She wondered how many Tamlin had but noticed that Bryce was limping.

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