Part 15

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Amren sat in her arm chair listening to Rhys berate her for losing a book of that importance.

"look you might be the high lord but if you keep that time with me I will kill you and bury all the evidence"

Amren knew the look on Rhysands face meant he understood. "So I will find the book and then we'll discuss what to do because the writing in it is in a very ancient text which might take months to decipher even for me"

"What might take months" Aelin questioned as she strode into Amren's apartment

"Get out of my apartment"

"Not until I find out what will take months decipher" Aelin dropped onto the couch and sat there unbothered but the murderous glares she was getting from Amren

"Fine it's a book called the walking dead and it's missing"

At the sound of walking dead Aelin stiffened " you have that book here too, we have it and there was only one page it read about portals. How could I be so stupid of course that was the book we needed" Aelin sat up and strode to Amren " I'll help you find it then I can read it"

"How could you read Wyrdmarks they haven't been used in eons"

"We had a... um problem with them in our world so you know the fate of our continent rested on Wyrdmarks so it made sense I would learn how to read them"

"That would've helped before the book went missing you know" Amren huffed. Rhysand, Aelin and Amren left her apartment and walked down towards the Sidra.

"So no clues to where it might be" Aelin said striking up a conversation

"I smelt another male presence in my apartment"

"Oh that would've been helpful at the beginning, you didn't think to bring that up" Aelin said her voice dripping in sarcasm

"Don't you start"

"Okay girls lets calm down and follow the scent"

"Fine" they both snarled not dropping their glares.


Amren stopped in front of a cave "it stops here, the scent it stops here"

"Are we going in"

"No, Aelin stay here there could be a trap"

"Uh you guys are boring how about we just bloody find out" Aelin said while she strutted into the cave. The cave was dark and the sound of dripping g water echoed through. "You guys coming or not it's fine, ooh look a glowing green hole"

"Aelin stop it could be dangerous" Rhysand yelled as he urgently ran into the cave after Aelin.

Aelin stopped and stared at the green glowing thingy and decided to throw rock at it. She scouted the area for good throwing rocks for the glowing whole when she heard footsteps behind her, unshething her sword she pointed it at the stranger and sighed in relief.

"Rhysie you scared me" she pouted

"Why do you have rocks" he questioned her

"I'm going to throw them into the green hole"

"Aelin you're such a toddler" Amren whined as she came into view behind

"Hey I might be a toddler but I have multiple weapons each of them perfect for carving out you five foot body"

"Ok I think it's time to cool down"

"No we finish this puny bat boy" Aelin retorted

"That is no way to speak to a high lord"

"Wow trusting the high lord well I'm a flipping queen and she used to hold a supreme being in her bloody body so I don't think you'll win this one"

"Since when was this pick on Rhysand"

"It wasn't now look that green thing I think it's a portal we don't know where but whoever stole the book must've come from and left from there" Amren gave both of them hard looks and they shut up. The three moved their full attention to the now established portal. A strong scent of sickly sweet flowers wafted thought the portal making everyone gag.

"Definitely spring court" Aelin gagged she preferred snow and pine.

"So must've been one of Tamlin's sentry's" Rhys whispered

"Or Tamlin" Rhyand and Amren turned to look at Aelin "what if he's possessed he doesn't care for laws and stuff he only wants what he came for the book" they continued to ponder Aelin's suggestion

"You could be right if but I'll assign guards to this cave entry and tomorrow we'll pay a visit to the spring court with our newly acquired entrance"


The three arrived back to the House Of Wind where everyone had gathered

"You gonna tell us or look all ominous" Aedion spoke breaking the silence

"Shut up Aedion, any way me, Rhysand and Amren all went searching for the Walking dead..." at this point all heads swerved their eyes boring into Aelin's face, she continued anyways "we went into a cave and found this weird glowing hole thingy, Amren deduced it was a portal and we all figured out it was to the spring court and lest say out noses paid the price so be happy"

Rhysand took over "We posted guards to make sure nothing goes in or out and they led a spike in the they came out with information that it is unguarded which can only mean we don't think Tamlin knows how long it will be open for an nor do we so tomorrow we will be entering the spring court to get back that book and hopefully put and end to that miserable mans possession.

"Hell yeah"

"Shut up Cassian"

Ok so I hope you liked the chapter it was a bit uneventful but next one is gonna be better. Sorry for the wait school is so time consuming but I'll try harder. Sorry again for the wait and thanks sooooo muck for more than 1k reads that's soo crazy. Anyway I hope everyone is staying safe with COVID.

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