Part 11

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It was Feyre's turn to have a night of restless sleep, it started out just dark when suddenly she was in the spring court watching Tamlin oversee a massive army full of men as young as 15 but no women; she scoffed at his sexism still present even when he's possessed. She turned her focus back at Tamlin and who was now walking down the aisle of men and choosing specific ones. She followed the men back up to the dais and stopped. She saw a sentry pull out a whip and hand it to Tamlin who made the men kneel. Feyre let out a sob as he started to whip the first soldier, she watched while tears ran down her face. Tamlin was merciless he wouldn't stop until all back had been covered in shredded flesh and blood even with his soldiers pleading to stop. Feyre was shaken awake by Rhysand with a worried look in his eyes.

"Is everything ok?" she couldn't meet his eyes she felt so guilty not being able to help them,

"No" she sniffed, Rhysand pulled her into her hug and she noticed that the sun was just peeking over the mountains.

"Rhys I saw him, he had an army full of innocent men and boys, and...and he picked some and he started to whip them" she started to weep in his arms by the horrors she saw those innocent males go through. By the time the sun was above the mountains, everyone had arrived in the dining room and could tell the vibe was off.

"What is it?" Aelin sauntered into the room making her the last one to come

"I saw Tamlin and his army, their innocent males as young as 15 but what there going through no one should, he's whipping them for no reason"

When Feyre mentioned whipping Aelin visibly stiffened but brushed off Rowan's looks. "To entice fear in his army that they will not disobey him" she took a seat next to Bryce and Lorcan.

"How many did they have" all eyes turned to Hunt than to Feyre

"Roughly 5000."

"Trained or untrained."

"Mixed but mostly untrained after our last war his trained sentries left him for other courts."

"And how many do we have?"

"3674 fully trained Illyrians" it was Cassian a turn to speak,

"We also have the court of nightmares if we must but we prefer not to use them" everyone slumped in their chairs, their enemy having more soldiers and a bigger army wasn't helping their moods or their odds.

Aelin stood up and addressed the group "Guys sulking won't do anything, we've been in wars, we've died and come back, we've fought all sorts of demons, plus we know how to win by killing the thing inside Tam Tam and our worries are gone. With three light-bringers we have enough plus me Mala's heir, again and those cool people and powers" Lorcan coughed and Aelin returned to with a glare but she continued "What we lack in number we outdo in power by a lot actually from what I've heard Tam Tam can turn into a tool that he is, but our lovely Lysandra can turn into a bloody dragon of she wants, he can harden air well guess what genius so can Feyre; he has nothing in us but we have double on him." Everyone couldn't help but feel motivated after Aelin's speech even Aelin herself was feeling good.

The rest of the day they were preparing for war. They all agreed to go to the Illyrian mountains to inform the Illyrians and found Devlon training with all the boys.

"Where are the girls" Cassian warned

"In the houses with their mothers," Devlon sneered,

"Woah calm down big buddy," Aelin said stepping forward,

"What's a puny human doing here, mingling with them now Cassian" there was a growl from behind no doubt from Roman telling him to check himself.

Aelin cursed she was in her human form "Oh don't worry I can still kill you" as she said that a blur of silver was at Devlon's throat and his parts. Aelin leaned in close. "Don't provoke me or you'll see why they call me the God Killer, because if I can kill a god I can definitely kill you." stepping back Aelin made sure everyone could hear "I propose a challenge bat-boy, you choose 4 fighters I choose 4 fighters, we see who wins and if we don't you don't need to fight in the war but if we do you must"

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