Part 7

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Aelin loved the unexpected faces of the Night court, Bryce and Hunt.

"Now I expect information in return as I wasn't it giving that away for free" she banished her flame whining to be let out in full force

"Night court would you like to share" she brushed a piece of char off her shoulder

"How about the other two in your court," Cassian asked walking back in with a glare at Aelin

"Oh they're not in my court, but they can explain their magic themselves" she returned the glare but hers had an amused look to it

Dorian stood up "my magic isn't one type, I have raw magic which becomes anything I want and Manon is an iron teeth witch which means she has iron teeth and claws" Dorian turned to the group and waited expectantly.

Feyre stood up to explain her court "Rhysand has darkness manipulation, misting, daemati and winnowing, Amren has illusion manipulation, Cassian and Azriel both have Illyrian power controlled through the siphons but Azriel is also a shadow singer, Mor has winnowing, and I have shapeshifting, water, ice, darkness, air and fire manipulation, Light generation, curse breaking and healing"

The visitors looked at the group in silence.

"So is it like mine, your power or is that it," Dorian asked

"It's only those I was created with a piece of all the high lord's power when I died"

"Ha, we can relate to the dying part both of us almost died saving our city" Bryce sighed

Aelin just stared at them. That was the first thing both of them had said when they entered the Night court and Bryce chose that.

"Wait so what magic do you possess," Aelin asked

"I have the power of wielding pure starlight and Hunt has lightning manipulation and creation"

Aelin was surprised everyone told them their powers I guess they weren't calculating a possible murder of a high lady for trying to enter her and no doubt her court's mind. She was still calculating when Rhysand told them dinner would be soon and showed them to their rooms.

Their room was standard but all of her and Rowan's stuff were carefully laid out or put away. She ran to her weapons to make sure all were still there as she counted them she noticed Rowan chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"Ah fire heart she cares so much for her weapons she can't be without them" he wrapped his arms around his waist and nuzzled into her neck she lifted her arm and heated her hands in a slight warning and touched his arm.

"Next time buzzard I won't be so nice"

"Oh I'm looking forward to it" Rowan growled,

"Buzzard" and she attempted to flip onto the bed but instead found herself under him.

"Next time try to catch me off guard" his voice barely more than a rumble

Before Aelin replied a knock sounded in the door signifying dinner was soon, with a gruff Rowan got up with Aelin and started to get ready.

Rowan chose a more casual blouse and brown pants while Aelin went full out she wore a pure white dress with red embroidery, it hung close to her curves and ended with a red hem with white heels, the cut exposed some of her cleavage and a ruby necklace hung just below her collar bone. She chose her hair to be braided down her back but to top it all off she had a tiara made of flame. Rowan looked her up and down and the hunger in his eyes returned.

"Later" she confirmed,

They walked down the halls to find the dining hall and noticed most were also in formal wear but Aelin noticed what Bryce was wearing was a tight black dress with a glitter and the highest heels she's ever seen, not that Aelin was ever going to admit but she was jealous.


Seeing Aelin coming in with her outfit was one thing but her tiara of flame was another thing, she looked regal and threatening just as she liked it.

"Now all of us are here I would like to formally introduce everyone to the Night court"

As Rhysand sat down food of all types appeared at the table and Aelin started piling g food on her plate. Bryce was looking at all the food slowly disappearing. What caught her attention is that Manon and Amren hadn't touched a single thing.

"Do you guys eat"

"No not this food and I'm guessing your friend the witch doesn't either"

Manon smirked in response as two goblets appeared in front of them, Bryce sniffed the air and noticed it was blood, her shock was cut short as Cassian blurted

"How do you eat so much and stay that size, you eat more than a dozen Illyrian men"

"Well if you had a never-ending well of flame burning inside you you would be just as hungry, plus talking to you is just so energy-draining"

" Let's see if you can fight as well as you can talk, little girl"

Before anyone could stop it a knife flung across the room inches above Cassian's head

"When and where?"

The room was silent as the two battled it out in a staring contest, Aelin's eyes burned brighter around her gold rim and Cassian dropped his gaze. Feyre was amazed at the guts Aelin had taken on the general of the night court armies but when she flung the knife across the room she was so fast, Feyre hoped Cassian won. The dinner ended with Mor passed out from drinking three bottles of wine, Aelin giggling her way back to her room, also drunk and Rowan guiding her. Bryce was surprisingly sober looking for drinking most of the hard liquor and Hunt was still sober. Feyre walked to the balcony and looked out to Velaris, why were they here and how were they going back.

"What are you thinking about?"

Feyre turned to look and saw her mate smiling at her. She always wondered how different life could be and how different life is now

"Oh you know just the visitors"

"I was thinking of them two"

As Rhysand stood next to her they just stood there in silence in each other's arms wondering what dangers these powerful guests brought. 

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