7- Can You Guess Who I am?

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A/n sorry for not posting yesterday!!!
Please forgive me and try to guess who this is!
*bows and runs away from the angry mob*

I grew up in a place where no child should

A place called the slums

I had to fight to live

Fight to eat

And fight to have a future

I didn't have a name

Until she gave one to me

After meeting me in the market

While I saved her from purchasing a lie.

She saw my talent

Of using my enhanced sense

To survive on my own

In the harsh reality that was my life

She took me in

And raised me

Using my talent for her research

While I did my best to serve her,

I soon realized

That she had become more to me than just a teacher

She had become like the mother

That I never had

Growing up in a world full of spice.

These days

While I tower above her

Taking care of her

I make sure to do my best

To thank her for the chance that she gave me

At a new life.

Fighting every day to improve

Upon the great talent that was bestowed on to me

By the king.


Can you guess

Who I am?

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