16- Who am I?

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I didn't ask to be the way I am.

I'd like to think that if so had the chance to live a life full of great circumstances, my hands would be clean.

But that's not the life I got to live.

Instead, I lived a life

with a mother who didn't love me.

A life where the man she chose to be in our lives

tried to kill me.

But luckily

the bandages cover the burns that linger on my skin.

And it seems

that I was born to be a monster,

because I couldn't die

by just being burned alive.


My mother chose the path to my life

by sending me to

an orphanage

where the last thing they wanted was to take care of the kids.

They called me a monster and a brat

all while forcing me to dig the holes for the black bags that they sent out.


After they were killed,

I left on my own

with nothing but a knife and the clothes on my back,

taking care of everyone who got in my way.

Unable to read or write,

my options were limited.

Well, they were

until I met the old man.


He offered me a place to stay

without question of who I was.

Even though

I suppose

I took advantage of the old man's blindness.

But that didn't matter

because he could smell the blood on my hands

and he still chose to take care of me.


This only lasted for a short time

for the old man was killed

by people looking for money.

But don't worry,

because I took care of them.


I continued to live a life full of blood.

Losing my sanity


by bit


Then I was brought in by a man calling himself 'god'

But I knew he wasnt.

He led me to my floor

And gave me permission to kill any who dared step on my floor.

All was going well

when a tiny little pipsqueak showed up on my floor

begging me to kill her.


We made a promise to each other

and I will sure as heck keep it

because I hate liars.


I would kill her,

but not yet,

for the look in her eyes was too empty.

I needed her to show a little emotion.


We made our way through the floors

revisiting bad memories

and taking care of anyone who stepped in our way.

Little by little

we grew closer.

Before I even realized it,

I cared about her.

I loved her.

But no matter what

we went through

in the end,

I made a promise,

and I was going to keep it.


I killed my best friend,


Who am I?

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