I couldn't help but to smile back.

"I..." I trailed off, "Kailen, this is amazing."

"But you haven't even tried it!" He exclaimed, giving a cheesy grin when I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't only talking about the food you goofball. I meant all of this. It's incredible."

His eyes lit up momentarily when I said this, and I wasn't sure if it was just the lighting or what, but I could've sworn his cheeks were pink for a second. But he turned his head to the side, and I couldn't tell anymore.

While he had his head to the side, I decided that I was going to try the food that Kailen had slaved away all day to make. And when I took a bite of that steak, I swore I was back in heaven. I moaned loudly as the flavor exploded in my mouth, looking at Kailen in shock. My moan definitely got his attention, but that was not what I was focused on.

I was focused on how my mate was a chef.

"H...How? I didn't know you could cook like this." I pointed out, quickly taking another bite from my steak. "I mean this is the best steak I've ever tasted."

I'm sure Kailen's ego must've inflated as I said this; however, he did a great job of hiding it. He gave me a cheesy smile, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, I'm not going to lie but this cooking shit is kind of hard."

"So you made this all? By hand?" I questioned, and he nodded, "Wow, you're gonna have to cook for me more often."

"Will do, m'lady. Under one condition."

I felt my heart jump to my throat.

"What...What condition?"

Kailen almost looked nervous as he stood up, and for a second I really thought he was going to propose to me. But then he extended his hand towards me, and stared at me.

"Dance with me."

I felt my heart slowing down, and part of me was thankful that he didn't propose. The other part was kind of bummed. I mean yeah, I was only 19, and I had only known Kailen for six months now. But part of me was ready for that, part of me wanted to see a ring on my finger.

But I shook away the thought of a proposal, and grabbed Kailen's hand. He helped me to my feet, smiling as he did. His bright smile nearly melted my heart, and when I saw my gigantic smile in his eyes, I fell even more in love.

This guy was perfect for me. And every day he got more and more perfect.

We began to dance to some romantic piano sound, but the only thing I could focus on was Kailen. His blue eyes had me captivated, trapping me in a sea of emotions--All of which were good. He had me feeling as if my world was perfect, and it was. Kailen made it perfect.

And I knew I was using "perfect" a lot to describe things, but that was really the best word. I couldn't find any other word to describe this situation accurately. Any other word would have been wrong.

I leaned my head on Kailen's shoulder as we danced, staring off into the lights that decorated the room. Though I started to travel really deep into thought, there was one thing that I had to say to Kailen. One thing that he deserved to know more than anything.

"Kailen?" I said, not pulling away. I continued to lean my head on his shoulder, finding peace with it.

"Yes?" He replied, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"You are my favorite part of living. You are the reason I am thankful to be alive."

He must've known how big of a compliment that was, because next thing I knew, He was squeezing me even tighter.

"I love you so much," He spoke, "So much."

"I love you," I responded. I wanted to cry. Not because I was sad in anyway, but because my heart felt so full. I had never been at a point in life where I was this happy. I was always wondering what bad thing was going to happen next, and for one rare moment, I wasn't thinking that way.

I knew that my world wasn't going to be perfect like this forever, and because of that, it made these little moments even more important. I knew that there would come a time where I wanted moments like these back, so I had to hold onto moments like these.

I had to hold onto the moments where my mate and I finally were at peace. Because who knew when it would be gone next. For all I know, we could be back at war tomorrow. Hell, we could be dead. But for now, I was in the arms of my mate. I was safe. Nobody could take that away from me. At least not now.


Sorry again for the delay. I'm just so mentally exhausted.

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