Chapter 5- Historia

Start from the beginning

I know they don't stay this way forever, but still. I need to feel the bond between a mother and a child—show the world that my own neglectful mother didn't ruin me.

"Are you liking life so far at the orphanage, hey, Abigail?"

"Agoo..." she replies and I melt.

So cute. She has soft blond curls and big, beautiful blue eyes, and for a moment I imagine she would be how my own child would look.

All of a sudden, her gummy smile vanishes, and now she wiggles her bottom lip. Was it something I said? Or maybe she needs another diaper change.

I sniff her butt. Nope, all clean. Then what? Could it just be me? Oh no... maybe I'm not cut out for motherhood after all!

That's when I sense the ominous shadow outside in the hallway, narrowing my eyes in suspicion, and now I try and placate the poor baby.

"Ssh, it's okay, it's okay... He won't hurt you. Not while I'm around."

I scowl up at the doorway, knowing he's listening to every word I say, and I'm getting sick of his sneaking around. "You can quite hiding now, Levi. I know you're out there."

There comes a grating sigh, and now he enters the kitchen without even bothering to look at me. Baby Abigail and I may as well be invisible. He goes straight to the sideboard for tea and judging by how tense he looks, it's desperate he wants to leave as quickly as possible.

He's like a little squirrel crawling out of a tree for nuts. A rare sight indeed. Any sudden noise, and he'll skedaddle.

Abigail's wailing has calmed down now, so I place her on the floor so she can roll around and play. I distract her with a pan and a wooden spoon, and she seems to forget all about the mean old captain as she shoves that fascinating spoon between her gums.

The moment Levi finishes pouring his tea, he grabs his cup by the rim, turns on his heels, then makes a beeline for the door. But I step in front of him, placing my hands on my hips. The look he gives me next could burn the whole world to ash.

But I'm not a little brat he can intimidate anymore; I'm his wife and queen, and the sooner he learns that, the better.

"Oh no, you don't. You will drink your tea in the kitchen like a civilised person."

His teeth clench as a red flash runs through both of his steel-grey eyes, yet I don't cave, offering him a scowl to rival his own.

With an exasperated breath, he deigns himself to sit at the kitchen table, slurping angrily at his tea, and for one who acts so presentable all the time, he really is a loud slurper; I noticed it back when we were hiding from the government. It was after Hange told us about Pastor Nick's death. The wind blew outside, and then the room fell eerily silent. And then Levi picked up his teacup and slurped...

It's odd the little things you remember. In those days, I was terrified of him, making sure I sat all the way at the opposite end of the table so I could be that much further away from his brooding presence. In the end, it was the worst decision because our eyes would constantly meet, and then I would freeze up, being the nervous little fifteen-year-old that I was back then.

But look at me now, bossing him around and wanting his babies of all things.

How things change.

I sit across from him at the table, and now I'm the one keeping a constant eye on him while he shies away. He's really not the hotshot everyone makes him out to be; I can't believe I was intimidated by him once upon a time.

I know why he won't look me in the eyes. He wants to avoid all baby talk.

After all... he still hasn't given me his answer...

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