Chapter 14 - Levi

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AN: Hello, my fellow RivaHisus! I have a new chapter for you. I hope you enjoy.

Song inspired for this chapter: Meatloaf - I would do anything for love (but ignore the lyrics "but I want do that"). Levi would do anything for Historia and for love. That song suits him to a tee.

All good things must come to an end, some wise man once said, and I wish I could punch that fool in the face.

Damn him for being so right.

Historia and I returned to the real world again at long last, having to depart once again, and already my soul yearns for her.

It's like I'm missing a piece of myself, and I wish we never had to leave that field with all the poppies.

But not all is lost. Our sweet stolen moments together, moments that may as well be an eternity, have given us enough time to plan.

Within a year's time, Historia and I will be the proud parents of a baby girl. One I have yet to see the face of because she had been too goddamn lazy to get her ass out of bed.

She definitely takes after her mother...

Our other children will be born sometime later. At least six years after our first daughter is born. Our second eldest daughter with the blue eyes of Historia and the dark hair of my mother looked to be around age five.

I was forty-seven, a scarred, crippled man with a pair of small children hanging off of him like he was a goddamn climbing frame.


I always hated it when the children climbed all over me at the orphanage, but I guess I was able to tolerate my own children because they were mine.

I wonder if I'd finally found the courage to clean a shitty diaper, and I roll my eyes, stopping outside the door of Hange Zoe's office.

She has something to discuss with me, something of grave importance, so I reach my fist for the door, but then she calls out from within, "Come on in, Levi..."

Taking that as my cue, I push my way inside, meeting her glowing glasses. One lens captures the light, and I can tell by the looks of her that she's stumbled upon a new discovery.

I close my eyes, mentally preparing myself as I take a deep breath. Once seated in front of her, Hange tents her fingers, leaning forward on the desk and just... stares.

We stay that way for a long time: Hange staring and me sitting there with a blank expression.

"Well, don't keep me hanging, four eyes. What news do you have for me?"

Hange pushes her glasses up her nose. I shouldn't call her four eyes anymore since she's my commander, but old habits are hard to break. At least I stopped calling her shitty glasses.

"So, I've been reading some more on Ackerman history. Did you know that there was an Ackerman Knight who served a Fritz queen? Around six hundred years ago, just before a global epidemic swept the world."

I widen my eyes. "No... I did not."

Hange assesses my reaction before she continues. "Apparently, they had some secret love affair, even while the queen was married. Some legends say they may have even born heirs, yet there are no records of any Ackerman slash Fritz children from the family trees I found..."

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