Chapter 15 - Historia

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A/N: I'm back! Thank you for your patience. Things have changed since I uploaded last, but I hope the wait was worth it.


Song inspo this chap: When I Look at You by Miley Cyrus. It fits RivaHisu so well 😭

I gaze absentmindedly out the window of my carriage, butterflies flapping around my stomach.

I will get to see Levi again in person.

We're heading to Trost to discuss the developments of the new rail system. My old friends in the 104th have been constructing it for months, and they must be tired. I wish I could be out there with them helping to develop our island, but I have other duties to attend to as Queen of the Walls.

I will be there seated next to Darius, facing the scouts and the other military regiments, and it's going to be so hard not to look directly at Levi. Nothing wrong with our eyes meeting across the room, but we will have to act as if nothing is going on between us. We're just a pair of chums who built an orphanage together after all...

I still think back to the time Levi sat kitty-corner to me at the table with the top brass while we were discussing our ideas about the orphanage, and it was me and him against the military...

Of course, back then I was still hung up on Ymir and didn't see Levi in a romantic way, but I remember being very thankful. I thanked him a lot at the time, but he just gave me his typical reply of, "Tch."

In fact, Levi's attitude towards me changed from the day I punched him in the corridor. It was as if he was grateful that I was the one who made him smile for the first time again in years.

I always like to think that it was his way of apologising for being so brutal with me once, but I know it's because my cause was one that mattered deeply to him.

The man can't stand to see children suffer any more than I do, and we really do make a great team.

And we're going to make fantastic parents. I saw it through Levi after all (and we're going to be a badass power couple too when we're old).

Holy walls, when we're old.

I still can't believe we're going to have that many years together. Well, unless something happens between now and then. Something that stops me from having to inherit Zeke Jaeger's titan and relying on a small-scale Rumbling.

I close my eyes, breathing in through my nose as the air whips against my cheeks.

No, I can't afford to think that way. Our future will come. Levi and I will have greater problems one day concerning ice-burst stone, while we're stuck babysitting our whiny grandchild Frieda.

The carriage stops and I startle, looking around.

We've arrived.

I inhale once again, stepping out of the carriage. A footman helps me down the step, and I refrain from rolling my eyes.

I don't wear my royal robes for military meetings. I just come in a standard green coat, nothing more. So why do I need servants?

I suppose the military's just worried that I will fall and crack my head open on the pavement, and how kind of them.

The last thing they want is me dying before I can inherit the Beast Titan.

As I let go of the hand of the footman, two more carriages arrive, and my heart picks up.

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