Chapter 18 - Historia

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Hola! I'm back! Sorry about the long wait; I just got distracted by another side project.

I hope you enjoy

Song Inspired for this chap; Phoebe singing from Friends: "Are you in there, little fetus, in nine months will you come and greet us (I will buy you some Adidas 😂). I couldn't think of another song for this chapter.


It's been two weeks since Levi and I last saw each other. We had sex a week after my last cycle, and I've been such a nervous wreck, cleaning every surface of the house until it shines. The nannies have been worried.

I always helped around the house with the cleaning and the cooking anyway, but I don't know what else to do with myself.

Sitting still is not an option; I'm too focused on the possible life growing inside of me. Has my daughter made a home in my womb yet? I suppose she technically wouldn't have a gender yet, but sooner or later, she'll start to develop, and then she'll be born ten months later...

Oh, God. What will she be like? Will she be just as lazy as she was at age eleven, refusing to be born on her exact due date? Some babies aren't born for weeks after, and I start hyperventilating next, dropping the broom in my hands.

It clatters to the floor, breaking me out of my panicked state, and now all I do is stare at its thorny bristles.

At least I know of one person who'd appreciate my obsessive cleaning, but I suppose this is overkill, even for him. Levi still knows how to relax.

I'm wearing a headscarf and a face mask in the same fashion as he would, and maybe I do hang around with him too much. I'm starting to act like him now.

First Eren, and now me.

Levi's great and all, but I don't want to look like his twin. We're already too similar with our short statures and sad childhoods. We don't need to add another to our long list of similarities.

I pull my mask off, grimacing at the sweat on my face, then wipe my forehead. I should go for a walk. It's a sunny day. That will take my mind off things.

Placing the broom back in the closet (because I know he would appreciate that), I head outside and breathe in the fresh air.

The house is empty. The children are at the local schoolhouse in the village, so I should probably take this rare opportunity to be alone with myself.

Levi and I haven't visited each other in the Path since Trost. We decided it was best that we waited until I got my next period.

I should be due in a few days. So hopefully I should know soon.

I wonder if he's as nervous as I am; I wonder if he has been driving Hange and the others crazy with his own compulsive cleaning.

I bet he's wearing the same headscarf and mask as me right now.

I pull off the headscarf, making my way down the porch steps, then venture around the back of the house.

For some reason, I end up at the barn, hearing movement inside. There comes a sharp grunt and then someone hauls a barrel of hay.

I approach the door tentatively and peer inside.

It's the farmhand. He doesn't appear to have noticed me yet as he continues hauling hay with his pitchfork, a show of his remarkable strength, and I close my eyes.

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