Chapter 19 -Levi/Historia

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Hello again! You will finally learn the names of Levi's and Historia's kids.

Song inspiration: You Get What you Give by New Radicals


Once again, I'm back in the land of poppies. As I wait for Historia for what feels like forever, I finally give my classic "tch" then decide to go home.

It looks like she didn't get the memo: we were supposed to meet so she could tell me whether she had a bun in the oven or not.

We could send letters, but they will have to be encrypted to avoid military detection.

Well, I guess I could explore more of this place. There has to be more than just flowers here. Maybe I should look into the tree again for more answers. It may show me another glimpse into mine and Historia's future.

"What the hell, Kenny?!"

I freeze when I hear that voice. It sounds like a woman.

Who the hell else could be here? This is mine and Historia's Path. It belongs to us. How dare someone trespasses into our perfect little paradise!

I growl, cresting a hill where I heard the voice.

"Lay off, Zoe! I'm doing the best I can!"

Zoe? Kenny?

Why are those names so familiar?

I peer down the hill, spying that man and woman. They look to be a few years younger me, maybe late twenties.

I just want to know what the hell they are doing here? Who are they, and what are they doing in mine and Historia's Path?

The woman, Zoe, scoffs, shaking her head. They're too far away for me to see, but I can make out the woman's dark hair. The man has blond hair.

"I can't believe I shared a womb with you. You're such a doofus! We have to finish the message before one of them arrives!"

"I'm doing my best! Geez, Zoe... why can't you be more like Ymir? My favourite sister for sure."

Zoe growls and stomps forward, kicking him up the ass, and I know that move.

That's how I kick someone up the ass.

The man falls forward with an oof, and it appears I'm just witnessing some sibling rivalry. I never had any siblings, so this display is alien to me.

I grind my teeth. Who are these people, and what are they doing here?

"Hey!" I shout.

The man and woman freeze, whipping their heads around. The man's eyes bulge when he sees me.

"Shit! Zoe, what do we do? He saw us... fuck! Won't this mess up the timeline?"

Zoe kicks him again with the heel of her shoe, and the man rubs his leg where her foot got him. "Shut up and just play dumb. We'll say we got lost here by accident."

I almost grind my teeth into a powder as I stomp down the hill. "I can hear you, you know. You're not exactly discrete!"

The man named Kenny chuckles. "Almost takes me back to when we were kids. Remember when he used to sneak up on us when we used to whisper about him, hey, Zo?"

"Shut up, dumbass," Zoe sneers. "We best go. He's... coming closer."

They start backing off now, and I move faster. "Oi! Don't you take another step! I want answers! Who the hell are you two?"

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