Chapter 10 - Levi

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AN: Hello all! It's been some months now since I updated but I wanted to see how the manga ended before I wrote any further. I've actually had an early draft of this chapter for three months, but I'm finally glad to post. I hope you enjoy

Song inspired for this chapter: Aint No Sunshine (When She's Gone) by Bill Withers. Oh, Levi, you poor baby... As you can guess from the song, he is missing a certain someone 😭

Life has become a dull, miserable affair.

It's not that I was a particularly sunny person to begin with, but I'm grimmer than usual.

I miss Historia. I miss the way she laughs, the way she brushes her hair behind her ear, and the way she smiles. I even miss her blush.

Most of all, I miss being with her, kissing her, making love to her...

I was never the best with words, so I'm not about to become some goddamn poet, but I just wish she were beside me again

I've had to say goodbye far too much in my life, but having to tear myself away from Historia was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

She's my queen, and I'm her knight. We're destined for each other, as she would say.

Poor Hange has had to put up with my sour mug since I returned. We've known each other years, and at times she seems to know me better than I know myself, but lately, she's clueless.

I hate feeling like a liability, but I've been moping around and acting pretty pathetic. It's not as if there's an immediate fight or struggle I can distract myself with; we don't even have any titans left to slay anymore. We haven't in years.

Hange has given me space and time to adjust, and for one who has never been through a formal breakup, she seems to understand what I'm going through. She did appear to have a thing for the 12th Commander of the Survey Corps, Keith Shadis, but not enough for me to ever bring it up, especially now as she's my commander. It would be highly inappropriate of me to ask, but I do recall how pissed she was when he left his post.

Even if she may have harboured romantic feelings for someone who isn't a titan named Sawney, she's oblivious when it comes to relationships. The normally hare-brained mad-scientist hardly knows the right thing to say when it comes to me and Historia, and I truly am alone.

If Erwin were alive, I bet he'd offer some wisdom. Yeah, the same man who sacrificed the love of a beautiful woman for the Survey Corps, and now that woman is married to the asswipe Nile Dok.

Let's hope their daughters take after her...

There's also my squad, but they're barely adults and have yet to experience relationships. Unlike normal teenagers, they haven't had a chance to explore those avenues of life. They pretty much gave all that up when they became scouts. War was always imminent, so the chance to date and settle down just never came up.

Besides, the last thing I want to do is burden someone else with my grief.

The best thing to do is to bottle it all up, letting my feelings slowly rot away at my insides—I'm good at that.

I could always go out and break someone's limbs, but those days are long gone. We teamed up with our enemies across the sea now, allegedly...

The thought of that bearded shit Zeke Jaeger makes my blood boil again, and I lash out, punching a hole through my bedroom wall. My fist comes away with plaster.

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