Back to the Past: Part 2

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Here is part 2 of Back to the Past. It has been a very long time since I updated the first part, but better late than never I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Asami, Suki, Sokka and Zuko flew on Appa towards one of the Fire Nation's many communication towers. 

"If anyone from the fire nation has seen your friends, it will be recorded here," Zuko had said. Since this would be a stealth mission, they only needed a small, sneaky team to infiltrate the tower. 

"So what's up with that glove thing on your hand?" Sokka asked. 

"Oh," Asami said with a smirk, "You'll see it in action soon enough." Once they made it to the tower, Appa landed under the sheltered, rocky cliffs. So far, no one had seen them. Sokka used his boomerang to take out one of the sentries on patrol. Then, they headed inside, eluding the guards making their rounds, until they came to a long, metal hallway. At the end of the hallway was a room called unusual happenings. 

"Ready to see it in action?" Asami whispered. Without waiting for a response, the hallway was illuminated in a blue light as she took out the guard who was in front of the door.

"That. Was. Amazing!" Sokka screeched, "How did you make it?!"

"Well, it starts with an electrical current..." While Asami and Sokka blabbed about science, Zuko and Suki searched the records of unusual happenings that the fire nation army had come across. 

"This might be it," Suki whispered, "A firebender and an earthbender, seemingly falling out of the sky, redirected to General Ikeda."

"I know general Ikeda," Zuko whispered, "he likes to acquire anything or anyone that seems to be related to the spirit world. He throws these lavish parties. His estate is huge. There's a prison, and some powerful government offices are there."

"That's probably where they are," Suki said, "We only have 12 hours left, so we'll have to hurry." 


Aang and Katara were completely ignoring each other while also casting longing looks in each other's direction.

"So I have a kid," Toph said.

"Uh huh," said Korra, "her name is Lin and she... is a lot like you." Toph smirked.


"And... there are other airbenders?" Aang said hesitantly. He still couldn't believe it. 

"Yup," Korra said proudly, "You have a son named Tenzin whose an airbender, and three airbending grandchildren." Aang shook his head in disbelief. 

"We're back!" Appa touched down in the courtyard of the house at Ember Island and Suki, Zuko, Sokka, and Asami jumped out. 

"We know where Mako and Bolin are," Asami said. 

"That's great!" Korra exclaimed, "And we'll still have plenty of time before we get back to our time."

"Hold on," Sokka said quickly, "General Ikeda's estate is heavily guarded, so I've prepared a complex plan for us to sneak in and-"

"Or... I could just glow it up and bust in!" Korra said enthusiastically. 

"Wait, you can control the avatar state?!" Aang's jaw dropped. 

"Yup. I use it to win air scooter races."

"I completely support that," Aang pointed to Korra, "I agree with the reincarnation of me. Let's glow it up!"


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