The Proposal- Korrasami

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I've been sort of obsessed with Korrasami lately, so here is a oneshot of their marriage proposal. 


It was winter in Republic City. Snow fell in whitish gray clumps from the sky, and frost lined the windowsills of air temple island. Korra sat in one of the spare bedrooms, having left the Sato Mansion where she lived with Asami under the false pretenses of training with Tenzin. 

"Korra!" It was Bolin, knocking on the door. 

"Come in!" Korra said. Pabu rushed inside and immediately climbed on Naga, who was also in the room.

"I heard that you were proposing to Asami and I just had to help."

"Jinora told you, didn't she," Korra sighed.

"No, Jinora told Ikki, who told me," Bolin said with a smile,"So what's your plan?"

"Plan? There is no plan," Korra said, "I made her a betrothal necklace, and tonight, at our weekly dinner date, I'm going to propose."

"Can I see it?"

 "Sure," Korra said hesitantly, "But, it might be too traditional for her, you know? Because Asami is just so glamorous and-"

"Well I think it's perfect," Bolin said, holding the hand-carved necklace up to the light, "She's gonna love it!"

"Thanks Bolin," Korra said. She pinned up her hair, which had grown out to her shoulders. She was wearing a blue, off the shoulder dress. 

"Oh! And you should take Pabu," Bolin added, "He officiated Varrick and Zhu Li's wedding! I'm sure he can help you out!" Korra grinned and hugged Bolin. She was ready. 


Asami, meanwhile, also had plans. She held up the blue pendant to the mirror. It had flecks of reddish purple that glimmered when they caught the light. She had everything exactly how she wanted it. She'd booked a reservation at their favorite restaurant, complete with a five course dinner of all their favorite foods. Then, when the candles were lit, she would propose to Korra with a tiger lily and the betrothal necklace. 

She was ready. Asami stepped out of the ornately carved doors of the Mansion, and drove her elegantly detailed Sato Mobile to the restaurant. Korra was waiting out front, Naga wagging her tail happily as Asami stepped out. 

"You look beautiful," she said to Korra, who had dressed in a much fancier outfit than normal. 

But there's no way she knows, Asami reminded herself. 

"You're looking snazzy as always," Korra replied, with a familiar blush that never went away, even after the four and a half years they were together. She murmured something quietly to Naga, who determinedly paced over to the side of the building. Asami might have been hallucinating, or maybe it was just nerves, but was that a red tail nestled in the polar bear dog's snow white coat. 

Probably just nerves. 

"I'm so glad we're getting water tribe grub," Korra said as they walked past the dining tables, "I mean, it was fun going to Kwong's Cuisine just to spite Mako, but that place is just too formal and... stuffy, for me." Asami agreed.

Perfect. She had made the right choice. 

"Wow! you even booked our favorite spot!" Korra said happily as they sat down at the corner book. 

"I also bought us a five course meal in advance," Asami said with a smile. 

1st Course: Steamed Dumplings

As soon as they arrived, Korra started shoving them into her mouth. 

"Are you nervous about something?" Asami asked, delicately cutting up her dumpling, dipping it into the sweet and salty sauce, and popping it into her mouth. 

"No!" Korra said between bites, "W- Why would I possibly be nervous." 

2nd Course: 5 Flavor Soup

A waterbender accompanied the server, and bent all five flavors of the soup into Korra and Asami's bowls.

"So what were you doing at Air Temple island?" Asami asked. 

"Well, I helped Ikki prepare for her airbending test. She has to pass 36 different tiers and create her own airbending move before she gets her tattoos."

"I thought you were training with Tenzin."

"Oh! Well, I did some training with Tenzin," Korra shifted nervously in her seat. 

What is going on with her, Asami thought. It didn't matter though, because the most important course was coming up. 

3rd Course: Seawood Noodles

"This is my favorite!" Korra happily slurped her noodles. The server handed Asami the Tiger Lily she'd asked for. She took the box with the necklace in it from her purse. 

"Korra," She said, beginning to drop to one knee.

"WAIT!" Korra screamed. She gave a loud whistle. There was a thumping sound before the window they were next to shattered open, revealing Naga's big, furry head, and on top of her head, was Pabu. Pabu dropped down to sit on Korra's shoulder. Korra took a small pouch from his little red paws, opened it, and held out a hand carved betrothal necklace. 

"AsamiSatowillyoumarryme?!?!" Asami sat there, speechless for a moment. Then she started laughing.

"Yes!" She said, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, I will marry you!" She swept Korra into a kiss, before saying discreetly to the server, "I will pay for all the damages," as he saw the broken window. 

The rest of the night was nothing short of perfect. They finished their meal with arctic hen and bean curd puffs. Korra tried bend the glass in the window to fix it. (spoiler: It didn't work) and the happy couple ended the evening discussing their plans for their future together. 

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