Sabotaged: An ATLA Among us AU

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Sooo... I spent way too much time on this, and it is LONG, but this is an Avatar among us AU. (no bending) The gaang are astronauts who have to stop an alien impostor from killing everyone on the ship. (based on the game, Among Us) 

Ships: Kataang (Katara/Aang) , Sukka (Sokka/Suki), a little bit of Yukka (Sokka/Yue), and Mai Lee (Mai/Ty Lee)

Warning: there will be some violence/blood, but nothing extremely graphic. You have been warned. 


"Where's your next task, sweetie?" Aang asked. They were in the cafeteria. So far, their journey back from the Polus Outpost had gone well, and everyone was doing their job. Katara was the nurse of the skeld, while Aang was in charge of communication with Mira HQ. They had precious cargo in the form of specimens from Polus, and Aang knew that once they got back home in less than 24 hours, they would do so many amazing things.

"We both have card swipe in admin, right?" Katara said.

"Yup," Aang replied. In her baggy blue spacesuit, Aang thought his girlfriend was the most beautiful person in the known universe.


"Wait did I say that out loud?" Aang blushed.

"Yeah Sweetie," Katara said, touching his shoulder warmly, "Should we head to Admin?" Aang nodded. They walked, hand in hand, to the bottom of the cafeteria, through the short hallway, and turned right. But what Aang saw stopped him in his tracks.

"Sweetie? Is something wrong..." Katara gasped, frozen in place at the horrific sight that stood before them.


"Can you hurry up, Zuzu?" Azula tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for Zuko to finish calibrating the distributor.

"We aren't in a rush," Zuko said, purposefully trying to annoy his sister.

"I'm gonna go. I'll leave you to the rats."

"Wait!" Zuko took her arm, "Remember what Uncle said?" Azula rolled her eyes.

"Stick together no matter what," she recited, "He also said that electrical is dangerous and that we should do our tasks there as quickly as possible."

"Whatever..." Just then, someone yelled from across the ship.

"Everyone! Come to Admin NOW!" Zuko and Azula glanced at each other and ran as fast as they could.


Soon, everyone was gathered around the admin table, staring at the gruesome, bloody mess that was Princess Yue's body. Sokka couldn't believe how quickly the mood had changed. One minute, he was talking with Suki about all of the things they would do once they got back to Mira.

Now, Sokka was taking his helmet off, and everyone else was doing the same. His eyes clouded with tears. Yue was his ex, and things had been awkward between them, and now... he would never be able to fix things with her. Now, she was lying in a pool of blood, her helmet had fallen off, and her once perfect white hair was stained brown. Aang and Ty Lee were openly sobbing. Suki, Toph, and Katara couldn't bear to look at her.

"Someone did this," Katara whispered, her voice barely audible, "Someone... killed her."

"Look at this," Azula had been searching through some of the files in admin for the past 10 minutes, "These are instructions, for when alien impostors are found on the ship. They are native to Polus. They often come in pairs..."

"So you're just pretending like none of this happened?!" Toph demanded, "Our friend is dead! And you don't even care!"

"I'm trying to get us out of this!" Azula hissed, "It says here that the impostors will stop at nothing to kill us, and that the only way to stop them is to eject them from the airlock. There are records of them moving through the vents, sabotaging the ship, and-"

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