They all shook their heads, replying with how they weren't interested except for Aran, saying he's interested in a female, making the others poke questions at him to spill the details. Y/n laughed as he embarrassedly told them about the female as they cooed and teased the man. Y/n couldn't help but feel eyes on her, making her make eye contact with the blonde as he stared at her, making her quickly look away from him and try to focus the others, but she couldn't help but feel anxious under his gaze.

"I'm uh, I'm gonna go get some fresh air" she quickly stated as she got up and exited the shop as the others didn't mind. 

"I'm gonna get some fresh air too" Atsumu stated as he got up. As he was about to leave the table his wrist got grabbed, making him a bit annoyed as he looked over, only to see that his twin had grabbed a hold of him.

Osamu had a stern look as he looked Atsumu in the eyes. "Don't do anything stupid" he stated.

"Ah piss off will ya? I'm not gonna do anything dumb!" he said in annoyance, his kansai accent kicking in a bit as he pulled his hand back and exited the shop as well as the others watched, sighing a bit and shaking their heads.

"Y/n has a surprise" Osamu said, a small smile not helping but to appear on his lips as a view of Koji flashed in his mind.

Everyone rose an eyebrow, looking at the younger twin. "And what surprise would that be?" Rintaro questioned

"That's for you guys to find out and her to tell" Osamu stated, shrugging his shoulders a bit as some of them sighed, knowing that he won't say anything.

Outside, Atsumu and Y/n kept their distance, an awkward silence between the two as the cold air hit their bodies. Y/n stared at anything but Atsumu as Atsumu would steal quick glances of Y/n to take in her features more. None of them spoke a word until Atsumu decided to break it.

"So, does he treat you right?" he questioned.

"Pardon?" she glanced at the male whose eyes were on her as she quickly looked away, causing him to chuckle.

"The guy, does he treat you right?" he questioned again.

She let out a soft laugh. "He does in a way" she answered.

He hummed in response, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "What's he like?" he questioned.

She thought for a moment, thinking of the words to describe the person that she loves dearly as she couldn't help but smile. "He's brave, charming, funny, and he's an overall sweetheart. He's very empathetic and I can't help but just...Love him" Y/n said, looking up at the sky as an image of Koji smiling flashed in her mind, making her feel warm inside while having the urge to ditch the boys and head straight back to her mom's house and embrace her son. 

"I see..." Atsumu muttered, gritting his teeth a bit, jealousy starting to take over him. "What does he look like?" he questioned, cursing at himself for digging his own grave. Y/n opened her mouth before hesitating a bit to answer the question. Atsumu took notice of this and chuckled a bit. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna track him down and fight him" he joked.

She rolled her eyes at his comment, crossing her arms as she tried to keep herself warm. "I don't think you would want to fight him." she stated.

This had piqued Atsumu's interest at her statement as he stared at her. "Why's that?" he questioned.

She glanced at him as she let out a chuckle. "Let me think.." she said softly. "As I said, he's brave, so he won't hesitate to make the first move" she smiled. "He's very strong" she said, trying not to laugh as her smile widened more. "And.." she stopped for a moment as Atsumu waited for her last reason, his eyes staring into her soul before she made eye contact with him, her wide smile turning into a kind one, making him melt. "He's willing to fight for those he loves" she finally said. 

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